TAG Meeting 2018-11-14

TAG Meeting 2018-11-14


  • Ben Meyers
  • Veronica Amundson
  • Audrey Shay
  • Britto Augustine
  • Jen Downey
  • Jill Aurand
  • Jon Hickham
  • Mike Discenza
  • Tarun Verma
  • Thomas
  • Tim Casey
  • Eric Jansson
  • Chris Moffatt
  • Sayee Srinivasan 
  • Shannon Kerlick


The meeting was a review of items #1 and #2 from the agenda.

Notes on specific items:

Privacy Features

Privacy features are right on for LEAs, but there are 2 questions to answer

  1. Does data structure accommodate privacy metadata?
  2. Auditing - what data has been shared?  This latter may be the top priority

Question on if API profiles are considered. Answer:yes. Note: compile-time restriction on API profiles make them difficult to use and leverage. Possibly other effects on the API authorization system.

Data Model Decomposition - would this include ability to re-use entity name of core model (in an extension namespace)? Answer: yes

Suite 4 Vision - was noted that this may not be as much a vision as a "list of large deferred items" that suggest some general directions

ODS/API Database Choice and Data Out - have we considered a cost/benefit analysis? Answer: no, but we will add that to the scope of the Database Diversity SIG. For data out, the issue is that current ecosystem practices are insecure, so the costs of making a change have to factor in the benefits of improvements to the K12 ecosystem, which are hard to put a value on (but it is probably very high).

For next month, we will revisit the Use-Case Based Documentation (from the September meeting) - a sample draft created by Sayee (action from September) is uploaded below.
