TAG Meeting 2018-08-08

TAG Meeting 2018-08-08


  • Ben M
  • Daniel Hornsby
  • Jill A
  • John R
  • Jon H
  • Laura K
  • Mike D
  • Tim C
  • Sayee S
  • Shannon Kerlick
  • Eric Jansson


Certification decomposition: reviewed the GAT response. One idea proposed re capacity building was to create more sharing opportunities for lessons learned in interacting with vendors. However most discussion was on creating more robust and operationalizable domains, and the direction proposed was to look at further developing the SPED domain (e.g. add more explicit representations for elements like IEPs), in the direction of a robust API and certification that area. TAG will take no further action on this proposal at this time but pursue the SPED expansion option.

  • Action: Eric to poll the community on interest in a SIG in expansion of the SPED domain, along with a Tracker ticket where use cases or documentation can be submitted 

Analytics Middle Tier direction: TAG members who spoke were overall positive. It was thought that such a layer could possibly deliver value at a low cost, and help by alleviates complex joins and need to understand all elements of the data model

Relationship to data warehouse was discussed and it was noted that some may attempt to see this as a warehouse, which it is not. It was noted that this continues to create a gray area in the Ed-Fi technology stack as to what warehouse approaches are best implemented.
