TAG Meeting 2018-03-14


  • Sherod Keen
  • Josh Reimer, Skyward
  • John Raub, WI DPI
  • Jen Downey, Infinite Campus
  • Dirk Bradley, MI Data Hub
  • Mark Reichert
  • Ben  Meyers
  • Don Dailey
  • Dan Retzlaf
  • Jon Berry
  • Chris Moffatt



The issue of longitudinal data in the model was covered and discussion generally acknowledged the difficulty of this area. The limitations of the displayed examples was accepted, and no alternatives proposed. A general sense of "stay the course" seemed to emerge.

The TAG briefly discussed governance structures and the issue of a core data model governance emerged. There was a sense from the discussion that the community may be ready for such a workgroup.

The challenge of the long tail - support but not by eroding standards - was acknowledged in discussions.