TAG Meeting 2018-07-11

TAG Meeting 2018-07-11


  • Ben Meyers
  • Jen Downey
  • Jill Aurand
  • John Raub
  • Sherod Keen
  • Tom Christenson
  • Tim Casey
  • Greg Petras
  • Britto Augustine
  • Eric Jansson
  • Chris Moffatt
  • Jason Hoekstra


Proposal to GAT on Decomposition

It was briefly noted that there is much more in certification in terms of data elements than there is in state use cases, and in many ways the problem is not so much certifying these other systems as it is developing ecosystem capacity to do things like use REST APIs and follow best practice in data synchronization via REST. Next step is for GAT to respond.

It was also noted that certification can generate the expectation that certified functionality is available "by default" and/or free to turn on. The Alliance acknowledged this issue and noted it has published this document to clarify expectations: About Certification More input on this is welcome.

Bulk SIG discussion

Some members voiced concerns about the possibility of bulk to send data exchange back to a file-based system, instead of transactional system where data is naturally more current. Developing this functionality was seem as increasing that risk. How to avoid undermining the transactional API integrations was seen as important.

In addition TAG members voiced concerns on if a bulk load is really needed - the API seems very performance even at large scale currently.

As an action, the Alliance raised this ticket as a place to capture community discussion:  EDFI-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

API standardization

Little time remained for this discussion so it will be pushed to the next meeting. However, it was noted that it might be helpful to think of standardization as use-case based rather than data domain based.
