TAG Meeting 2018-09-05

TAG Meeting 2018-09-05


  • Greg Petras
  • John Raub
  • Tim Casey
  • Audrey S
  • Britto A
  • Sherod K
  • Jen Downey
  • Ben Meyers
  • Tarun Verma
  • Michael Discenza
  • Sayee S
  • Eric J


1.API Standardization

Most commentary was on better documentation of best practices and use cases: be more proscriptive and provide guidance, particularly on the most common use cases.

Other (and related) ideas include:

  • Possibly hold SEAs feet to the fire, either via some "certification" or via an official review program of some kind by Ed-Fi (this is informally happening today already, but could be formalized)
  • List of common use cases: to StudentSchoolAssociation, Attendance
  • List of states that have operationalized various domains

Action: Alliance (Sayee) to develop a prototype use case focused on enrollment/StudentSchoolAssociation and  possibly Attendance, plus attempt to list who has operationalized these.

2. API Change and Options for the new finance model

All who offered explicit support supported version 2 - an entire new domain model. [That direction/advice was communicated back to the FWG subsequently.]

  • Routing system for various APIs that includes version number
  • Can't force changes into the core model; possibly a core data model that is slower moving
  • Start to break the architecture apart into a less monolithic approach
  • Benefit to focus changes on a domain-by-domain basis

3. Summit meeting topics

Topics suggested (some were items from previous meetings)

  • Support for API provisioning tooling at scale (authorization assignment)
  • "Operational contexts" and the question of enumeration sets (e.g. a state and a local set)
  • SEA adoption vs one-off district adoption, and how to handle that in a scalable way
  • Upgrade strategy
  • Concept of student profile transfer between districts (submitted after meeting via email)

Action: Eric to ensure that these issues can be captured in the GAT community survey (done - the survey will be a generic list of pain points and not a specific pre-defined list)


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