Generation - Student Interchange Data

This section outlines the Student Interchange generation rules.

Input & Precursors  

This document can be generated independently of other interchange files by providing input parameters (e.g., number of students, ethnicity and gender percentages), or as part of a generation run including Education Organizations.

Entities & Elements

Interchange-Student.xsd contains one entity:

  • Student
Studentid"STU_{StudentUniqueId}", where StudentUniqueId is defined as below

StudentUniqueId Id is a sequential 6-digit number based starting from 000001 at the time the program begins.


If student is homeless, no address is generated
AddressType = Always "Home"
State = Chosen from LocationInfo configuration attached to the StudentProfile
City = Chosen from LocationInfo configuration attached to the StudentProfile
StreetNumber = Random number between 10 and 19999
PostalCode = Chosen from LocationInfo configuration attached to the StudentProfile

At Risk Status (StudentIndicator)Set if student is Homeless, EconomicDisadvantaged or FoodServiceEligible

BirthDataBirth date calculated from a base year given current year and student's grade level. Start of school year assumed to be 8/31. Random offset between -30 and 365 days added to school start day, with a 2% chance of an additional -365 day offset added to model held back students.

EconomicDisadvantagedRandomly set to true based on the StudentProfile, which defines chance on a per-race basis

ElectronicMailHard coded for all students to be "{FirstName}.{LastSurname}-{Id}", set as primary, home/personal email address

HomelessStatusRandomly set to true based on the StudentProfile, which defines chance on a per-race basis

ImmigrantStatusRandomly set based on the ImmigrantProfile in the StudentProfile, which defines chance as well as country of origin on a per-race basis.

LanguageSet only if student is an immigrant. If so, HomeLanguage is set to Spanish if the student is HispanicLatinoEthnicity or Other in all other cases

NameRandomly chosen based on gender and ethnicity. FirstNames defined in "DataFiles\FirstName-{Ethnicity}-{Gender}.csv"; LastNames defined in "DataFiles\Surname-{Ethnicity}.csv"

RaceRandomly generated based on StudentProfile. HispanicLatinoEthnicity and OldEthnicity fields also populated as appropriate.

SchoolFoodServicesEligibility20% of students marked EconomicDisadvantaged as set to "Free" lunch; the remaining 80% of the EconomicDisadvantaged population are set to "ReducedPrice".

SexRandomly generated based on StudentProfile

StudentIdentificationCodeSet to match the student's UniqueId


For PersonalInformationVerification:

If the student ImmigrantStatus = true, 20% set to EntryInFamilyBible, 80% set to ImmigrationDocumentVisa

If the student is an upperclassman (11th or 12th grade), 50% set to DriversLicense, 50% set to BirthCertificate

Otherwise: BirthCertificate


If student is Homeless, no phone number is generated; otherwise, a random number is generated, prefixed by an Area Code defined for the City in which the student has an address.