Generation - StudentGrade Interchange Data

This section outlines the StudentGrade Interchange generation rules.

Input & Precursors

Standard configuration file, which includes a SchoolProfile and GradeProfile configuration data. Also depends on StudentEnrollment (Student Section Associations).

Entities & Elements

Interchange-StudentGrade.xsd contains the following entities:

  • Grade
GradeLetterGradeEarnedThe Student Performance Profile is used to create a letter grade average for each student, with the median set at the B/C boundaryNo failing grades currently generated. Every grade generated for the student is currently the same letter grade.

NumericGradeEarnedRandomly assigned based on the LetterGradeEarned. Assumes a standard 100-point scale

GradeTypeAlways "Grading Period"

Assigned based on LetterGradeEarned
  • A = Advanced
  • B = Proficient
  • C = Basic
  • D = BelowBasic
  • F = Fail

StudentSectionAssociationReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated student section reference (i.e., the reference to the section for which this grade is being generated)

GradingPeriodReferencePopulated with reference to grading period in which the grade was earned