Generation - Parent Interchange Data

This section outlines the Parent Interchange generation rules.

Input & Precursors

This document is dependent on the data generated for the Students interchange.

Entities & Elements

Interchange-Parent.xsd contains the following entities:

  • Parent
  • StudentParentAssociation
Parentid"PRNT_{ParentUniqueId}" where ParentUniqueId is defined as belowAll student will have at least 1 and at most 2 parents defined.

ParentUniqueId A sequential 6-digit number based starting from 000001 at the time the program begins.


The "primary" parent always has an address to match the student (or, no address if the student is homeless). The generator simulates divorced parents – in the case of divorced parents living apart, the second parent will have an address different from that of the student.

EmailAddress"{LoginId}" where LoginId is defined as below

LoginId"{FirstName}.{LastName}{id}" where Id is a sequential number (starting from 1) in case multiple parents are randomly assigned the same pair of {FirstName, LastName}

NameRandomly generated. If the parent in question is on the paternal side of the family or the biological parents are still married, the LastName of the parent will match that of the student. Otherwise, the LastName of the parent is not guaranteed to match the student. In case of step-parents, the paternal last name will always be "retained" but the student.

SexDetermined from RelationType

TelephoneRandomly generated based on the LocationInfo configuration element under which the student is generated. Will always be of type "mobile"
StudentParentAssociationContactPriority1 if the parent is the "primary parent", 2 otherwise

EmergencyContactStatusAlways true

LivesWithTrue if the parent is the "primary parent". For the secondary parent, this is true if the primary parent is remarried and false otherwise.

ParentReferenceReference to Parent previously generated by Parent generator

PrimaryContactStatusTrue if the parent is the "primary parent", false otherwise

RelationTypeOne of {Mother, Father, Step Mother, Step Father, Aunt, Uncle, Grandmother, Grandfather, Court Appointed Guardian, Foster Parent }Family structure of student is determined based on the statistics found at RelationType is then derived from Family structure after factoring in a divorce rate of 50%.

StudentReferenceReference to student previously generated by Student generator