Generation - StudentDiscipline Interchange Data

This section outlines the StudentDiscipline Interchange generation rules.

Input & Precursors

Standard configuration file, which includes a SchoolProfile with a DisciplineProfile configuration entity.

Entities & Elements

Interchange-StudentDiscipline.xsd contains the following entities:

  • DisciplineIncident
  • DisciplineAction
  • StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation

Discipline incidents are generated according to a Poisson process for the entire length of the DataClock defined in the Config.xml

Each student's chance to be involved in a discipline event is based on both the average discipline event rate for the student population and the individual student's performance profile. That is to say, a lower performing student is more likely to have discipline incidents than a high performing student.

Unless otherwise specified in the Config XML, the default average discipline event rate per student is 0.1 incidents per day. The default max serious incident chance (e.g. violent crime) is 15 / 1000 (per NCES)

idString of the format "DISC_{IncidentIdentifier}_{SchoolId}"

IncidentIdentifierMonotonically increasing counter of discipline events generated by the SDG during the current run of the application, starting at 1.

IncidentDateRandom date between DataClock.StartDate and DataClock.EndDate

IncidentTimeRandom time between 8:00 AM and 3:59 PM

IncidentLocationRandomly selected from all IncidentLocationType values

ReporterDescriptionAlways "Staff"

ReporterNameName of random staff member generated previously via the StaffAssociationEntity generator.


There are two types of offenses for a discipline incident - serious and non-serious. With each discipline event there's a small chance for that event to be a serious incident (again, according to the student's performance profile).

Serious Behavior types:

  • State Offense

Non-Serious Behavior types

  • School Code of Conduct
  • School Violation
  • Other

ReportedToLawEnforcementTrue if the offense is a serious offense (i.e. Behavior = StateOffense); false otherwise

SchoolReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated school

StaffReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated staff
DisciplineActionidString of format "DSCActionID_{DisciplineActionIdentifier}_{}"

DisciplineActionIdentifierMonotonically increasing counter of discipline actions generated by the SDG during the current run of the application, starting at 1.


If incident is a Serious Behavior, then Expulsion. Otherwise, one of {In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, Removal from Classroom}

DisciplineDateAlways same day as incident


Depends on Discipline type:

  • Expulsion - Length set to 0 days (understood to mean for remainder of school year)
  • In School Suspension - between 1 and 5 days
  • Out of School Suspension - between 5 and 10 days
  • Removal from Classroom - 1 day

ActualDisciplineActionLengthSame as DisciplineActionLength

DisciplineActionLengthDifferenceReasonAlways "No Difference"

StudentReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated student

DisciplineIncidentReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated discipline incident

ResponsibilitySchoolReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated school
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationStudentReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated student

StudentParticipationCodeEither { Perpetrator } or one of { Reporter, Victim, Witness }. The chance the student is the perperator is inversely proportional to their student performance profile – good students can still cause discipline incidents though it's unlikely.

DisciplineIncidentReferencePopulated with reference to previously generated discipline incident