RVWG 2020-03-03 Meeting



  • Review report outs from sub-group meetings since last plenary
    • User Experience sub-group
    • Technical sub-group
    • Dashboards sub-group
  • Discuss proposed revisions to RVWG charter for 2020
    1. Focus RVWG on establishing general best practices and "playbook" for reporting and analytics using the Ed-Fi stack (Rosh's idea!)
    2. Propose a revised approach for the technical sub-group, that includes  (a) taking a dependency on the Ed-Fi Analytics Middle Tier and (b) proposing to work with Ed-Fi technical team & roadmap to build out a POC of the infrastructure to support the MVP.
  • Next Steps

Discussion items


Review report outs from sub-group meetings since last plenary

  • Billy Buchanan summarized status of the User Experience Sub-group, focused on completing the Student Discipline Use Case . The remaining work is to determine/assert how to handle time period, and whether or not a semantic approach can be taken. Jeremy Thigpen (Unlicensed) offered to bring prior experience in Wyoming to help define. THis will be done asynchronously, to update the use case
  • Tech Subgroup updates - deferred to the 2nd partion of the agenda
  • Rosh Dhanawade and Glynn Ligon (Unlicensed) provided an update on the most recent Dashboard sub-group meeting:
    • ESP has engaged a 3rd party UI expert - who has done other work for them, and they are doing an assessment of the level of effort to upgrade the current Dashboard UI. They are also going to provide details on options for creating mobile-friendly reports/views  - that represent a subset of the desktop dashboard experience (for example, excluding watchlists)
    • The recommendations are expected in a couple of weeks, and the next Dashboard subgroup meeting will be scheduled when this information is available to review and discuss,
  • Discuss proposed revisions to RVWG charter for 2020
    1. Focus RVWG on establishing general best practices and "playbook" for reporting and analytics using the Ed-Fi stack (Rosh's idea!)
    2. Propose a revised approach for the technical sub-group, that includes  (a) taking a dependency on the Ed-Fi Analytics Middle Tier and (b) proposing to work with Ed-Fi technical team & roadmap to build out a POC of the infrastructure to support the MVP.

The group discussed the two proposed revisions, and agreed to move forward with writing up the details.
Next steps
See action items below.

Action Items

  • Jeremy Thigpen (Unlicensed) to coordinate with Billy Buchanan on fleshing out time-based display options for use case
  • Rosh Dhanawadeto post meeting notes from the last dashboard sub-group meeting
  • Glynn Ligon (Unlicensed) to alert the group when Dashboard uplift recommendations are ready for the workgroup to review
  • RVWG leads to draft proposed changes to RVWG charter - addressing "playbook" idea and anchoring technical MVP to utilize Analytics Middle Tier, and circulate for workgroup feedback