RVWG 2020-09-24 Meeting






Dashboard POC’s

Rosh Dhanawade gave an update and demo on the INSITE dashboard work.

  • The work has made good progress towards integrating with Analytics Middle Tier views and row level security. They have also submitted views for discipline back to AMT for inclusion.
  • Happy asked if the dashboard will support both summary data and granular data. Rosh indicated that summary data is being tackled first, but granular (spreadsheet) data is in the backlog.
  • There was discussion of connecting the Dashboard POC (developed by ESP) to leverage AMT views and security approach being developed in the INSITE project. Rosh indicated they hope to have an initial delivery of the security components in late October.

Working Session: Start to tackle the 1st goal of the revised charter

The 1st goal of the revised charter is: ""Survey non-Ed-Fi dashboard users with visualization solutions to determine what factors played a role in their technology choice"

  • Meeting attendees discussed and added info this the working Google doc (here).
  • This information has been moved to a Google sheet for more structured input (here).
  • RVWG members are asked to assist in fleshing out the information in this sheet, between now and the next meeting in October. The plan to do this is as follows:
    • For each agency or collaborative - fill out basic information in Google sheet, and/or contact agency and request they fill it out
    • Follow up with interview to gather more information if/as needed
  • We will review information gathered to date at the next RVWG meeting (in late October)