TAG Meeting 2020-01-14
TAG Meeting 2020-01-14
- Eric Joranlien
- Jennifer Downey
- Juan Pablo Rodriguez
- Lee Barber
- Tom Christenson
- Veronica Admundson
- John Raub
- Josh Reimer, Skyward
- Jim McKay
- Gary Johnson
- Geoff McElhanon
- Rosh Dhanawade
- Eric Jansson
- Sayee Srinivasan
- Shannon Kerlick
- Chris Moffatt
- Tech Congress 2020 - Proposed Sessions
- Internationalization Work Group - current Issues can be seen in slide deck here: Internationalization Work Group 2019-12-20
Meeting Norms
- TAG Meetings need to be longer - too short +2
- Month in-between, loses momentum (+2) - consider more frequent meetings on a case-by-case
- Ad hoc invitations to continue topical discussions
- Work on defining use cases more specifically
- How to surface new ideas or problems? Use a running Google Doc
Tech Congress Sessions
Hackathon - positive feedback on this. Ideasa
- Do with prizes/competition
- Put winners in a release or some distribution channel
- Keep wide open - use categories to stimulate possible projects
- Possibly publish needed features/tickets
- Deep dive on change queries, examples
- ODS -specific roadmap
- Code paths into the ODS platform
- Data quality, best practice, rules engines, activities in the field
- Early gotchas in SIS data integrations (Jen, Rosh) - agencies are often surprised by what data
Consider a virtual event
- .NET conference is a possible example
- Possibly a sustaining effort
- Action: Return to topic of referentiality in subsequent meetings
, multiple selections available,
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