TAG Meeting 2016-11-03

TAG Meeting 2016-11-03


  • Dan Retzlaff
  • Don Dailey
  • Geoff McElhanon
  • Josh Klein
  • Mark Reichert
  • Matt Warden
  • Richard Charlesworth
  • Sean Casey
  • Chris Moffatt
  • Eric Jansson


Primary topic was controlling fragmentation due to releases of Data Standard and ODS

  • Quarterly release of ODS may exacerbate the problem
  • There is vendor push back on API changes
  • SEAs looking to a annual yearly model. with a system published in early summer
  • Can an annual certification process be a possible solution?
  • What is the LEA cycle?
  • LEAs should follow the SEA schedule because that is the strongest lever point for the market; with SIS vendors -we need to avoid creating a community where vendors serve too many masters".  Standardizing is a priority. SEA cycles are also very stable - changes during the cycle is rare (Katrina Hurricane cited as an example). Vendors are used to that cadence - interim releases focused on the host side are OK, but annual release in time for next DS is the optimal medium
  • There was some question on the value of n-1 API support. There was also a feel that it addresses a very real issue around the logistics of "flipping a switch" at a certain date/time - makes the transition "more sane."
  • Highlight breaking changes to APIs better than in past. This is a simple thing to do, but it means a lot. In the past vendors have been caught by the changes.
  • Possibility of funding migration grants for adopters - creates incentive to act
  • Forward Compatibility idea - have any TAG members ever seen anything like this? Answer: no.

TAG Membership topic

  • Notes looked OK to TAG
  • One omission was the possibility of formal decisions through voting process, which as raised in September
