TAG Meeting 2020-03-11

TAG Meeting 2020-03-11


  • Tom C
  • Rosh D
  • Marcos A
  • Josh Reimer, Skyward
  • Jim M
  • Jen D
  • Gary J
  • Andrew R
  • Chris M
  • Eric J



Course Transcript and RFC 24

There was minimal discussion on the Course Transcript changes, though support was voiced for not making breaking or unnecessary changes. TAG feedback will come via the feedback on RFC 24 (Data Standard 3.2b).


There was quite a lot of discussion of the proposed versioning changes. Some summary notes:

  • In general TAG members were very supportive of the change and saw this as a critical maturity step for Ed-Fi code and release management.
  • There was strong support for the concept that version numbers should NOT reset between new product names / new suites. This was cited for a few reasons:
    • There is strong evidence that this is not best practice (e.g. several Microsoft product conventions were cited)
    • The continuous version numbers can provide more options for those in the code
  • Rather, teh advice was generally to see suites are "windows" of releases when looking at the release timeline.
  • There was some concern over the move of the "suite number" into the name. The concern was that this could be confusing. However, in general the concept of having a strong Suite anchor point – largely for "marketing reasons" --was agreed upon as important.  One advice was to consider other signifiers beyond numbers - e.g. Apples animal names - "panther" etc. or Androids "jellybean" etc.
  • There were some general comments about the overall issues with Ed-Fi being many different things and therefore having many different versions to coordinate. This took the conversation beyond the immediate scope, but was acknowledged as a possible issue to consider and a place for improvement.

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