TAG Meeting 2020-10-15
TAG Meeting 2020-10-15
- Rosh D
- Tom C
- Rohith Chintamaneni, Arizona DOE
- Matthew J
- Patrick Loyo, InnvoateEdu
- John W
- Jim Robertson, PowerSchool
- Eshwar K
- Erik Joralanien, Ed Analytics
- Jean-Francois G
- Doug Q
- Chris M
- David Clements, Ed-Fi Alliance
- Britto A
- Neal S
- Andrew R
- Jim M
- Stephen Fuqua, Ed-Fi Alliance
- Eric J
- Sayee Srinivasan, Ed-Fi Alliance
- Feedback/input from Certification Improvement breakout - see new visualization here: TAG Meeting 2020-09-14 - Subgroup on Certification Improvements 2
- Feedback/input from Operational Context discussion: TAG Meeting 2020-10-08 - Subgroup on Operational Context
- next steps?
- Discussion of upcoming TAG priorities
- Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-NymFnRyU8Xn2FeLtxgnAjPjFloNpyE2BYQQMDZzkso/edit?usp=sharing
- See leftover priorities here: TAG Meeting 2020-06-18
- Update and input on Project Fizz
Certification visualization feedback
- General input was that this was better
- Guard against thinking of this as multiple versions of Ed-Fi.
- A better view for LEAs.
- Map works visually
- Could do more to emphasize state-specific extensions
- Info on which fields elements are drawing from to publish is important, but may be too much?
- Maybe possible to crowdsource the verification/usage of resources
- Maybe notes around specific resources?
- Relevant state programs to the side?
Ideas to try out...
- Add relevant state programs
- Possibly a breakout of notes by resource?
- Action: Eric to take a turn on Certification quality document (DONE - see TAG Meeting 2020-09-14 - Sample Visualizations)
Operational Context
- Conclusions of breakout discussed, no strong new ideas or feedback, but the notion that a "design existed" was raised.
- Action: Eric to add a Tracker ticket to surface this (DONE - see - ODS-4627Getting issue details... STATUS )
TAG priorities
- See docs for ideas and votes