RV Work Group Charter Scope Updates

RV Work Group Charter Scope Updates


GOV-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Due date


Work group discussions included the development of an MVP to deliver as part of the work group but this was not clearly stated in the charter.

The group feels that including the delivery of an MVP makes sense to be the responsibility of this group after the analysis of use cases and technology options available.

This decision is to track the proposed milestones and phases to include the additional scope of activities.


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Original TextUpdated Text

Phase I - Information Gathering

  1. Create a framework to capture and analyze reporting needs of schools, districts, and other LEAs, feedback on existing solutions and limitations.
  2. Create use cases based on the feedback captured that can be used to create reporting and visualization solutions that support instructional improvement by teachers and their support staff.
  3. Propose a prioritized set of 1-2 use cases for implementation, release and maintenance as part of Ed-Fi Core (free offering) with the most significant impact on instructional outcomes.

 Phase I - Information Gathering

  1. Create a framework to capture and analyze reporting needs of schools, districts, and other LEAs, feedback on existing solutions and limitations with:
    • Use Case Definition Template
    • Rubric for analysis and evaluation of use cases
  2. Create use cases based on the feedback captured that can be used to create reporting and visualization solutions that support instructional improvement by teachers and their support staff.
    1. Survey
    2. Interview questions/guidelines
  3. Define the guiding principles for the Ed-Fi reporting and visualization offering.
  4. Propose a prioritized set of 1-2 use cases for implementation, release and maintenance as part of Ed-Fi Core (free offering) with the most significant impact on instructional outcomes.

Phase II - Priority Case Solution Proposal

Based on the approved priority Use Cases:

  1. Develop a common glossary for calculations/metrics used around relevant information to report and options to present that information to users,
  2. Develop a set of requirements, screen layouts and definitions of calculations/metrics for the prioritized set of use cases.
  3. Develop a comprehensive proposed plan/roadmap of each use case for governance review and approval including: 
    1. Asset deprecation plan: If group decides to retire Ed-Fi dashboards and create a new reporting and visualization options. This plan should include Impact/Gap Analysis for current users to evaluate the cost/benefit of moving away from their Ed-Fi dashboards implementation to the new offering.
    2. Upgrade path: If group decides to continue with the current codebase and modify it. Proposal should include upgrade path considerations. (if current assets)
    3. Technology stack
    4. Cost considerations

Phase II - Priority Case Solution Proposal

Based on the selected priority Use Case:

  • Develop a common glossary for calculations/metrics used around relevant information to report and options to present that information to users, (Selected Use Case template includes data element and other relevant information,  remove creating a glossary for metrics)
  • Develop a set of user and technical requirements, such as:

    • Screen layouts/ mock ups
    • Definitions of calculations, business rules
    • Roles/personas
    • Data Mappings
    • Test data
    • User flows
  • Evaluate existing Ed-Fi visualization assets (Ed-Fi Dashboards, analytics middle tier) and provide an assessment and provide recommendations on improvements or additions to enable a common reporting and visualization offering.  

  • Develop a comprehensive road map for a core visualization tool that follows the defined guiding principles. The road map will include technology stack and cost considerations of either a:

    • Asset deprecation plan: If group decides to retire Ed-Fi dashboards and create a new reporting and visualization options. This plan should include Impact/Gap Analysis for current users to evaluate the cost/benefit of moving away from their Ed-Fi dashboards implementation to the new offering.

    • Upgrade path: If group decides to continue with the current Ed-Fi Dashboard assets and modify it. Proposal should include upgrade path considerations. 

Phase III - Ed-Fi Reporting and Visualizations MVP

  1. Project plan to deliver an initial MVP for the proposed Ed-Fi Core Reporting and Visualization offering:
    1. Milestones
    2. Timeline
    3. Estimated Cost

* Phase III planning is dependent on outcome of Phase II, once completed a more detailed set of activities and deliverables will be added to this phase.

Action items


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