2020-02-04 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

2020-02-04 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why



Liz Brunet

UPD Consulting 

Lori Ludwick

UPD Consulting 

Tricia Farris

AEM Corporation

Scott Lipton

The Holdsworth Center

Craig Morton

US Prep

Calvin Stocker

US Prep

Tiffany Fernandez

Relay Graduate School of Education

Mark Olofson

Texas Education Agency

Marty Reed

Randa Solutions

Jonathon Carter

University of Connecticut

Anne-Marie Hoxie

Relay Graduate School of Education

Daniel Stuckey

Relay Graduate School of Education

LaCole Foots

Texas Education Agency

Paul Tuss

California State University

Jim Telese


Luis Machuca


Jeremy Penn

University of Iowa

Michelle Yu

University of Iowa

Mike Vriesenga

University of Texas San Antonio

Joshua Roy

Wisconsin Dept of Public Instruction

Marty Reed

Randa Solutions

Rosh Dhanawade

Indiana University

Rick Rozzelle

CELT Corporation

Nancy Wilson

Collaboration Synergy


Steven Arnold, Nancy Smith - Ed-Fi Alliance

The meeting is scheduled 2020-02-04 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm CT

Agenda/Meeting Minutes:


Model discussion

V0.7 Release in November 2019 (https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TPDMX/What%27s+New)

Plans for 2020: V0.8 and RFC


Continue with technical subgroup

Launch 2 new subgroups – we’ll send survey/email to determine who wants to participate in which group.


Human Capital Metrics

Sign up to participate – Nancy will send an email/survey to sign up for subgroups

Other topics

New implementations – new TPDM licensees and planned implementations

  • Great Oaks Charter is in progress
  • University of Connecticut, University of Iowa, and University of Texas San Antonio are planning or exploring TPDM implementations

Ed-Fi Technical Congress – will have back-to-back work group/subgroup sessions. Tech Congress is K-12 centric, so won’t have a higher ed TPDM presence, but will use sessions to focus on dashboard and human capital metrics

TPDM Symposium planning – planning a 1-2-day symposium in Aug/Sept for TPP, SEA, LEA and vendors – sort of a mini-Summit


Question: Should we expect model upgrades every 2 months in 2020?

No, hope to have an established model in July RFC. Need to do v 0.8 to meet requirements for an implementation

Question: Is the ‘issue submission’ the same as the ticket system?


Question: Is there a plan to extend the model with credentials, licenses and endorsements for State level integrations? Does the existing credential reference within the staff domain refer to TPP staff? Need a way to transition from teacher candidate to license of in-service teacher.

The credential reference within the staff domain that could potentially be used for that use case. Please submit a ticket so that this issue can be reviewed. 

Work Group advised of new Ed-Fi Work Group: international work group to discuss taking the work beyond the US

Discussed TPDM Symposium in August or September of 2020 – September or early October is better for most people

Next Steps: Indicate participation in subgroup(s)

Next meeting: Date and time – TBD - A doodle poll will be created to establish the date/time for the next Work Group meeting.

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