2021-10-26 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

2021-10-26 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why


Co-Chairs: Tiffany Fernandez (Relay Graduate School of Education)  and Mark Olofson (Texas Education Agency)

First Name

Last Name


RyenBordenBill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RoshDhanawadeIndiana University
VeronicaEstradaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JoseIbarraUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
SarahKolbeCalifornia State University
JeremyLandaTexas Education Agency
JimmyLuongCalifornia State University
LuisMachucaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JordanMaderEducation Analytics
ChrisMoffatEd-Fi Alliance
JuanMoralesUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
CraigMortonTexas Tech University
JamesO'MearaTexas A&M International University
FranciscoTamezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
PaulTussCalifornia State University
AlbertVasquezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

The meeting was held on 2021-10-26, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm CT, via WebEx


Lindsey Judd – Community Manager, TPDM Ed-Fi Alliance

Steven Arnold – Technical Lead

Nancy Wilson and Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Link to Meeting PPT


  1. Updates
    1. EPP Starter Kits v1.0 released (Steven Arnold, Ed-Fi Alliance)
    2. 2021 Starter Kit Cohort
  2. Moving TPDM entities into Ed-Fi Core (Chris Moffatt, Ed-Fi Alliance)
  3. Making Connections and Sharing Plans
  4. Ed-Fi Summit
    1. Registration
    2. EPP geared sessions

Welcome New Members

Veronica Estrada

Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Andrey Campos

University of La Verne

Brian Huxtable

University of Missouri, Saint Louis

Jeremy Landa

Texas Education Agency

Nichole Cota


James O’Meara

Cali Stringer

Texas A&M International


Jose Ibarra

Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Juan Morales

Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Albert Vasquez

Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Francisco Tamez

Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Brian Petersen

Rand Group

Jimmy Luong

EdQ Center, California State Univ.

Meeting Notes:

  1. Updates
    1. EPP Starter Kits v1.0 released with 2 use cases for EPPs
    2. 2021 Starter Kit Cohort
      1. University of La Verne, La Fetra College, became the first to launch the Program Persistence and Diversity Starter Kit.
      2. University of Missouri, St. Louis launched the Program Persistence and Diversity Starter Kit.
      3. Texas A&M International became the first to launch the Clinical Experience and Performance Starter Kit.
      4. Alabama A&M in the training phase of the pilot and very close to launching the Clinical Experience and Performance Starter Kit.
  2. Moving TPDM entities into Ed-Fi Core
    1. TPDM Comm 1.1 will soon transition to Ed-Fi Core . This will help EPPs fast track their ability to see and use the data and provide a more comprehensive view for student teaching at the individual program and cohort levels.
    2. The first diagram below depicts the current TPDM (teacher prep data model) and the future state – see meeting slides (link above) for additional information. The second explains the differences between TPDM Core and TPDM Community and more information to help determine which to use is also in the meeting slide deck.
  3. Making Connections and Sharing Plans
    1. Using Jamboard members shared their input regarding interoperability:
      1. What has been accomplished/learned (2021)
      2. What I wonder
      3. What next
    2. A discussion followed focused on the various points on the Jamboard
  4. Ed-Fi Summit Related EPP Sessions

Next  meeting: In-person/Virtual TPDM Meeting at the 2021 Summit, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, 3:00-4:00pm CT

                              Contact Lindsey Judd for more information.

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