EPP Work Group Charter

EPP Work Group Charter

The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why


Bring Ed-Fi based data interoperability and analytics to Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs), State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to help create a culture of continuous improvement that will strengthen education programs and the future educators they prepare.

Statement of Purpose

The main purpose of the Educator Preparation Work Group is to represent the perspectives of the educator preparation community (EPPs, SEAs, LEAs, vendors, professional development organizations and thought leaders) to the Ed-Fi Governance processes with the purpose of making the Ed-Fi Educator Preparation related offerings more widely adopted and used and to promote the sharing of lessons learned across educator preparation implementations. The Educator Preparation Work Group may make recommendations through the Ed-Fi Governance processes about investment in the Ed-Fi product roadmap and business strategies.


The goals for the Work Group include:

  1. Prioritization process. Identify the data needs, core elements, and technology changes most needed to positively impact EPPs and enhance the mutual use of educator preparation data in EPPs, SEAs, and LEAs.
  2. Interoperability. Enhance the ability within the educator preparation community, including EPPs, SEAs, and LEAs, to integrate systems and share data in a secure ecosystem.
  3. Improved data use. Enhance the ability of the educator preparation community, including EPPs, SEAs, and LEAs, to leverage a broader range of teacher candidate, educator, and related data to enhance educator preparation analytics, reporting, and support program improvement.
  4. Lessons learned. Establish a venue, support materials, and artifact repository for the sharing of lessons learned through implementation(s) of the TPDM that can serve as a reference model for EPPs, SEAs, and LEAs.

Focus Areas

The current focus areas for the Work Group include:

  1. Identify and prioritize revisions (changes, additions, deletions) to the Educator Preparation Data Model and technology based on implementations and field usage.
  2. Identify and prioritize what aspects of the EPDM to include in the Ed-Fi core based on demonstrated evidence of use case need, field usage, and data availability; create an RFC to move into core.
  3. Extend our community through active outreach and partnership to include broader representation and viewpoints, with the aim of pursuing deeper levels of understanding, sharing ideas, and integrating new knowledge for the benefit of the greater community.
  4. Coordinate efforts to request high priority vendors to complete integrations with EPDM Ed-Fi APIs.


The Educator Preparation Work Group operates under guidelines set forth in the Community Work Groups Operations Charter.

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