2022-03-01 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why


First Name

Last Name


RyenBordenBill & Melinda Gates Foundation
LizBrunetAEM Corporation
JoseHinojosaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
SarahKolbeImani Software
JoshuaKundertWisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
MichelleLaneUnivsersity of Houston-Clear Lake
JimmyLuongCalifornia State University
LuisMachucaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JuanMoralesUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
CraigMortonTexas Tech University
JamesO'MearaTexas A&M International University
MarkOlofsonTexas Education Agency
FranciscoTamezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
PaulTussCalifornia State University
AlbertVasquezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley

The meeting was held on 2022-03-01, 2:00pm - 2:45pm CT, via WebEx


Lindsey Judd – Community Manager, EPPWG Ed-Fi Alliance

Steven Arnold – Technical Lead

Nancy Wilson and Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Link to Meeting PPT

Link to Meeting Recording


  1. Update 
    1. What’s in a Name? TPDM to EPDM/EPP
    2. 2022 Starter Kit Cohort recruitment
    3. Starter Kits Maturation – Version 1.1
  2. Let’s Tackle What Matters Together – Focus Areas 
  3. Closing

Meeting Notes:

  1. Updates
    1. What’s in a Name? TPDM to EPDM/EPP
      1. Work group is changing its name from TPDM to EPP 
      2. Some technical information will remain TPDM and transition to EPDM when appropriate
      3. Refer to new Tech Doc page for additional information
    2. 2022 Starter Kit Cohort recruitment
      1. Informational Webinar - March 10, 1-2pm CT
        1. https://www.ed-fi.org/2022-epp-starter-kit-cohort/
      2. Application due to Lindsey by March 23
    3. Starter Kits Maturation - releasing Version 1.1
      1. Upgrade to v1.1 target end of March
      2. Added term builder and visualizations
  2. Let’s Tackle What Matters Together – Discussion of Focus Areas
    1. Relationship with HR at districts
    2. High turnover of early career teachers
    3. Intentional effort to “Grow Your Own”
    4. Turn around schools with quick identification of hot spots 
    5. Topics selected based on inputs at last meeting in 2021 
    6. Focus for 2022 - attendees to provide feedback including any experiences, resources and other partnerships that support this work
      1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NTTCgDYFZXrWhH5HjF5xSl5b1L-qKkozqp5pRJC17mk/edit
      2. Some feedback
        1. Interoperability and prioritization of technology in our area
        2. Ed-Fi core and community
        3. Data ingestion
        4. Mapping guidance
        5. Improved data use especially by faculty and staff
        6. Educator recruitment and retention
        7. Role of data governance
        8. Building productive partnerships
        9. Lesson learned - how to spread our knowledge
          1. Webinar series
          2. Sharing of resources
          3. Ed-Fi Academy
    7. James: see p. 11
      1. https://www.apa.org/ed/schools/teaching-learning/teacher-preparation-programs 
    8. Show examples of what use looks like; an orientation needs to be in the work 
    9. Culture of reporting and not culture of assessment
    10. More focus on recruiting non-traditional candidates
    11. Ed-Fi provides data that empowers faculty - a tool for learning and supporting candidates rather than for accountability 
  3. Closing
    1. EPP Work Group – Focus Areas - add to with consideration to: 
      • 1) What focus areas are missing? (Pages 1-2)
      • 2) Where you/org/stakeholder/partners can provide support/guidance/thought leadership (Pages 4-11)
      • 3) What areas are you/org interested in learning more about? (Pages 4-11)

Action Items:

  • Continue to add to our working document as you think more about the contribution of the work group in expanding our reach and impact
  • Lindsey Judd – Consolidate information provided and propose next steps asynchronously
  • Convene EPP Work Group (target end of April)

Next  meeting: TBD