RVWG 2019-06-18 Meeting notes




  1. Survey Updates: https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-TH8XGQDV/
  2. Approve suggested RVWG Charter Updates
  3. Subgroup scope of work: Sign Up for a Subgroup!
  4. Next Steps

Discussion items

10 minSurvey Updates
  • 30 responses so far, you can follow the responses  https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-TH8XGQDV/
  • Suggested edits to current survey:
    • Title: Can we group by main activity or some other tag as titles vary. Would like to turn this initial feedback into personas we can interview and match for use case definition. 
    • Add a follow up question for non-dashboard users to see why not:
      • Don't know the tool.
      • Tried but too complex to implement
      • Too costly
      • Already had something in house -
    • List a number of common reporting/visualization options with other option to make categorizing easier.
    • Glynn Ligon (Unlicensed) will help with reviewing the qualitative data so we can ensure that the open ended questions provide meaningful feedback.
  • Need more feedback on the survey, next steps:
    • Itzel Torreswill make the edits suggested and include as a call to action in the upcoming newsletter update.
    • Itzel Torres will reach out to Ed-Fi Dashboard users to get more feedback on dashboard.
    • Group will send contacts of people that might be willing to fill out the survey or groups that we want to reach and capture feedback on.
 15 minApprove Suggested Charter


25 minSubgroup Scope of work
  • Subgroups have been created,
    • Please sign up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084eabac2aaafd0-edfi, if you have some time constraints or will be available later in the summer/fall just let me know. At this point I just need to know which one you are interested in contributing.
    • Itzel Torres will send out a poll to find meeting times that work for subgroup, the bi-weekly working session will stay as a general meeting to share updates and ask for group feedback on sub group activities and decisions.
  • Reach out/enrollment activities: Billy Buchanan , suresh.cherrolu and Itzel Torres have reached out to a few organizations to contribute to the work of the group and/or provide feedback.
    • Reached out to visualization labs at Universities with the hope of getting to small POC's that the group can evaluate the technology, rapid development, complexity. 
    • A respondent suggested Tableau public
    • Other uses PowerBI
    • Another has developed an open source platform for visualization
    • Visualization classes seemed to be more focused on storytelling with data so hopefully we get a broader perspective.
  • Vendor reach out:
    • Schoolzilla, call scheduled for next week. 
    • Interport
    • EASOL

Will need more info on use cases like data mappings and more detail on requirements for them to engage meaningfully.  This activity will fall into the deliverables of the User Requirements sub group.

    • Cari Reddick (Unlicensed) has a rubric for tool evaluation that we can use to distribute and have a common set of criteria to compare among existing tools and/or libraries.

Action items

  • Respond to the doodle poll to set up sub group working sessions
  • Review Sub group proposed next steps and milestones