RVWG 2019-05-21 Meeting notes




  • Survey Updates 
  • Use Case Ranking Results
  • Top Use Case Questions/Comments
  • Define next working session agenda
    • Subgroups?
    • Ed-Fi Dashboards road map?

Discussion items

10 minSurvey Updates
  • Survey link shared with a panel he was a member in: 7 responses so far, none are dashboard users.
  • Sent a work group update to Caroline to include in the next newsletter with a "Call to Action" to provide feedback on the top of mind use cases for the community.
  • Details of the survey result in the presentation RVWG working session 052119.pptx
 5 minRVWG Use Case Ranking Results 
  • Top 3 Use Cases:
    • Student Discipline (MVP use case) - Case includes edits and more detail on the current and future state.
    • Student On Track
    • Early Warning - This is the only case broken down by role, will submit as-is to the GAT but group needs to start thinking how to categorize and tackle the different actions.
      • Do we have a main use case and smaller use cases per actor or do we catalog and work with use cases by actors independent of each other?
      • Molly brought a good point that we don't want to start increasing scope, so we want to have a good way to sort and categorize but clear and concise use cases that we can work on that are not huge in scope.
15 minTop Use Case Questions/Comments
  • Student Discipline  is a great simple use case to get started with, group is happy with using this as we work through the MVP tool.
  • Student On Track is focused on school counselor, are we adding other roles/actors or is will we leave the use case as-is.
    • We mentioned in previously that we will review the use cases and make sure that all levels of the hierarchy can get value from them. Need to be able to capture the needs of different roles without blowing up the scope of each use case. 
  • Suggest we identify high level categories to start grouping these use cases: Current categories are too detailed and we might want to start thinking in broader buckets so we could potentially spin out working groups or sub groups for each of these high level categories.

Proposed Categories based on current use cases: 

  • ASPECT: Student Level Academic Dashboard
  • Overview
  • Assessments
  • College and career readiness
  • Attendance & Discipline
  • Academics
  • ASPECT: Student Level Information Dashboard
  • Overview
  • Student Information

  • Student on Track is focused only on high school, ESP would like to see this expanded to K-12 as some states are interested in starting this type of reporting early as tracking in High School is usually to late to have meaningful interventions. This is another potential task to assign to a small group to start developing.

  • We will hold a working session Sunday September 29 in Austin. There will be working rooms available from 3:00 - 5:00. Please let Itzel Torres know if you plan on attending the Summit and if you will be available for a working session. Agenda TBD as we get closer to September.
  • Session ideas: Missed the deadline, but will reach out to Caroline to submit proposals.
    1. Proposal for a Session from Billy Buchanan: Reach out to University group to get students to develop a POC visualization based on one a simple use case.
      1. He will reach out to some of the authors of the open source tools for visualization tech members of the group have identified as potential resources. 
      2. Itzel Torres will create a project overview to share with student groups and see if there is any interest in participating. Guidance will be minimal as we want to show potential of some of the available open source tools.
      3. We will present the result of this student led projects in the Summit.  If one of the projects shows promising results, the group can take the contribution and develop further
10 minNext working session agenda
  • Group is happy with the ranking results, Itzel Torres will do a final editing pass and share these pages with the GAT this week.
  • Consider forming subgroups to:
    • Develop/Gather requirements group: Student Discipline MVP Use Case. Molly Stewart already responded to the questions and added the bulk of the definition, this group will tackle the second section of the use case: Actions, Change enabled, data required and systems used. 
    • Technical Architecture group: This group will start reviewing the "Be" statements against posible solutions to define what the architecture of a tool should look like. Will need to coordinate with the requirement gathering group to make sure work does not start without enough use case detail.
    • Ed-Fi Dashboard road map group: This group will start reviewing the current Ed-Fi dashboards against the "Be" statements and start working through a road map proposal.

Action items

  • Itzel Torres to define the student led visualization project. An idea at this point, we need to know if it is feasible to get done by September and what would be required to engage students.
  • Sign up for a working sub-group, so we can determine meeting times, milestones and timeline.
  • Review High level use case categories so we can start putting existing use cases in the right "bucket"