RVWG 2019-03-26 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Task Review from previous meeting
  • Pending to reach out to Molly S. to get Molly S. results of their data survey effort with the group.
  • Use Case migrated to template, some moved to this new space and added some questions as guide. Need to revisit the submitted use cases and resubmit.
  • Survey distribution:
    • Talked to Caroline will start promoting alongside blog post with work group updates - first blog update on the tool criteria that we will review today
    • Billy will share with the Strategic Data Project (SDP) during their "Strenght in Numbers" upcoming conference in May in addition to distributing to the Ed-Fi dist list.

 Private Work Group Space
  •  Private space, you can comment, upload files, etc. should make collaboration easier.
  • Check if you have access
  • Comments/suggestions send them my way

Reporting and Visualization Toolset - Requirements


  • Consider adding weight to each criteria, will help decisions where either not all criteria is met, what would we consider to be more important?
  • Take into account that depending on the role or organization, the priorities might be different. Can we capture those differences and see if we can provide value to every level of the hierarchy.
  • Maybe consider a range of cost for agencies as another criteria point. Something like "Cost effectiveness" as it will be hard to come up with a single value. Depending on the size and needs of the agency the budget available would be different.

Tech Congress

Tech Congress Agenda

  • Analytics Middle Tier - April 10 2:30 p.m.
  • RVWG Working Session - April 11 9:00 a.m.

Group will use the time at thee Tech Congress as a working session to work through use cases to explore how we can add value from the classroom up to the different levels of organization. Better to have discussions in person.

Action items

  • Itzel Torres reach out to Caronline to review Tech Congress attendance and if there are any sign ups for the RVWG session and share with the group.
  • Everyone will review space and resubmit their use cases.
  • Itzel Torres , Billy Buchanan  will write up an update blog for the newsletter to publish in the upcoming newsletter to ask for survey feedback.
  • Itzel Torres to publish survey and share link with Billy Buchanan for the May Strategic Data Project panel presentation.