State Education Agency Work Group

State Education Agency Work Group


The State Education Agency Workgroup (SEA Workgroup) is an established entity within the Ed-Fi Governance structure and is intended to enhance the SEAs engagement in, input into and use of the Ed-Fi data and technology standards.

The SEA Workgroup’s main purpose is to represent the perspectives of the SEA community to the Ed-Fi Governance processes with the purpose of addressing the use cases that emerge from the SEA community using the Ed-Fi data model and making the Ed-Fi data and technology standards more widely adopted and used. The SEA -WG may make recommendations through the Ed-Fi Governance processes about investment in the Ed-Fi technology roadmap and business strategies.

The organizing charter for this work group can be found here


  • To join the work group, please consult:  Community Work Groups Operations Charter#Membership
  • In order to avoid any conflict of interest or favoritism – real or perceived – in current or future state education agency procurements, the SEA Work Group is limited to state education agency staff only. In all other ways the SEA Work Group operates under guidelines set forth in the “Community Work Groups Operations Charter”.
  • To see a list of current members, consult SEA Work Group - Current Members


  • Meeting notes are published under the SEA Work Group Meetings sections.
  • Collaborative documents are managed in an SWG Google Docs folder (members should request access as needed).

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