RVWG 2019-06-03 Meeting notes




  • Review Work Group charter: Clarify the intent of the group to work on an MVP and add high level scope definition for the technical work the group intends on delivering.
  • Subgroup scope definition: Discuss expected deliverables for each subgroup with high level milestones.
  • Next Steps        

Discussion items

Play recording

10 minWork Group Charter
  • Unclear that an MVP/POC will be delivered, review suggested work group charter and submit edits to GAT for review along with use cases. 

Use Case Framework:

  • Propose for the framework we deliver a rubric to know what are the right questions to answer when working through use cases. Specially when we have well defined use cases, but there are still unknowns in the data available. Anything we can provide to guide. 

MVP work: Group would like to come up with something that allows for implementations to easily consume data and use OTS tools, or use the core visualization provided in the MVP. Unclear about how the Analytics middle tier and other available tools.  

Rosh Dhanawade All options are on the table, self serve data, core visualizations but we need a guided way to pick which ones are the community's path forward. I think Edwire has done a lot of work in the mu

Billy Buchanan : The one thing that I would wonder with the multidimensional cube approach is how it would also help end users dig further to get to individual student level data. This may have already been solved somewhere, and would probably be fairly efficient for rendering/retrieval for sure. If the rendering happens client side, it might be easier to send the raw data (e.g., D3.js).

If there is an API layer couldn't it potentially be handled via JavaScript?

Rosh Dhanawade : EdWire has done a lot of work on the multidimensional cube space (question)

suresh.cherrolu : OpenGL to query the API? if we standardize the Data Out?

Ed-Fi Dashboards: Before we discuss Phase III MVP work we must answer the question of what to do with current dashboards.

Rafael Loustaunau :  The ETL or the crunching of the data is a bit of the road block today for student GPS dbs an SQL analysis cube -to build reports from? Something agnostic that can be used for any visualization

Updated Charter notes: RV Work Group Charter Scope Updates

 15 min

Sub Group Scope & Milestones 

  1.  User Requirements/Experience: Group should capture needs of all stakeholders including educators. Aims:
    • Validate assumptions about what teachers need most to improve outcomes
    • Identify needs for administrative stakeholders
    • Can one tool meet both needs?
    • Student Discipline MVP requirements for the MVP
  2. Technical Advisory Group: Evaluate visualization options and architecture to meet the desired criteria for the "free" Ed-Fi visualization toolset. Aims:
    • Review existing assets (Analytics middle tier, open source libraries, etc.) and evaluate any gaps.
    • Work through some POC iterations prior to recommendation to GAT on architecture and potential toolset.
    • Once architecture and toolset is identified, deliver an MVP with the Student Discipline selected use case
  3. Ed-Fi Dashboards Evaluation: Group will evaluate the current Ed-Fi Dashboards against our guiding principles for an Ed-Fi reporting core offering Reporting and Visualization Toolset Criteria. The analysis of this group should help answer what happens to the Ed-Fi Dashboards codebase? Sunset or Upgrade?
    • Present the findings and recommendations to the community to support the groups decision. 

Next Steps
  • Itzel Torres will send out updated charter with subgroup milestones for Phase II and a new Phase III that will include an MVP of the future visualization.
  • Itzel Torres will send out survey for subgroup signup and availability for additional working sessions. 

Action items

  • Please review meeting notes and provide feedback on updated charter by