EC SIG Meeting 2022-05-05
EC SIG Meeting 2022-05-05
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Britto | Augustine | EdWise |
Cindy | Brown | Delaware Department of Education |
Edward | Comer | Student1 |
Sheila | Cornwell | South Carolina Department of Education |
Wyatt | Cothran | South Carolina Department of Education |
Sarah | Crawford | South Carolina Department of Education |
Debbie | Dailey | Indiana Department of Education |
Jeff | Falter | Missouri Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education |
Terri | Hanson | Texas Education Agency |
Danielle | Hayden | Minnesota DOE |
Scott | Kuyendall | Delaware Department of Education |
Kendra | Lewis | Minnesota DOE - Data Collection Early Learning Scholarship |
Marilynn | Loehr | Minnesota DOE - Finance - MARSS data collection |
Megan | Luck | South Carolina Department of Education |
Luanda | Morris | Resultant |
Gayra | Ostgaard | Minnesota DOE - Finance - MARSS data collection |
Satish | Pattisapu | EdWise |
Daniel | Ralyea | South Carolina Department of Education |
Max | Reiner | Nebraska Department of Education |
Leanne | Simons | Texas Education Agency |
Justina | Siuba | South Carolina Department of Education |
Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Debra | Taylor | Delaware Department of Education |
Rick | Thompson | South Carolina Department of Education |
Adriana | Vidal | South Carolina Department of Education |
Mark | Waldal | Minnesota DOE |
Veronica | Watson | South Carolina Department of Education |
Avisia | Whiteman | Minnesota DOE |
Jason | Young | DoubleLine |
Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
Meeting recording LINK
The meeting was held on 2022-05-05 10:00am - 11:30am CT via WebEx
Meeting Materials PPT
Agenda and Notes
- Early Childhood Data Model
- Scope of the work is to understand the current EC landscape and what is collected in Ed-Fi currently and create a common pattern for that.
- Ed-Fi interviewed states including DE, NE, MN, SC and IN. The findings revealed a few states are collecting public school districts or ESU offered programs in a public school or in a private learning center (center -based).
- Ed-Fi decided to come standardize the center-based EC program participation and thus shared the new model. The recommendation for school/ESI based PreK grade level program is to collect the data through the K12 domain. The model takes into consideration both public setting/public funding and private setting/public funding collections.
- Comment: Special Ed Services can be provided in private settings as well as public.
- Note - If special education services are offered in a private setting, do the private learning centers report the data directly to the district or state? Even if they report, the Community Provider model will still allow the private learning centers to send the special education services information directly with the tweaks on the API security.
- Comment: a better way to discuss spec ed is the public schools are responsible for special education for ages 3-21. the term "provide" has several meanings...private contractors may actually provide the interventions/services...
- Nebraska collects course data for EC in such a way that they created a new course called ‘Self contained classroom’ and assigned students to that course. This means that they are collecting StudentSectionAssociation.
- Sayee to confirm with NE if the StudentSectionAssociation is being collected.
- NE collects negative attendance for their EC students like their K12 students. For attendance, they are using StudentSchoolAssociation instead of StudentProgramAttendanceEvent.
- Indiana has not done mapping exercises to find out if they have accommodated all the data needed for EC.
- Nebraska collects course data for EC in such a way that they created a new course called ‘Self contained classroom’ and assigned students to that course. This means that they are collecting StudentSectionAssociation.
- Q&As
- SC
- Supplemental from state voucher at private setting
- Can be accommodated in the model if state has agreement to collect the data
- What about data from state subsidies programs? Basically, data that isn’t coming from a school district or a community provider? Does the model provide the ability for state systems to provide data?
- Supplemental from state voucher at private setting
- EdWise
- This model is focused on students and lacks the staff associations. Is that intentional?
- Yes for now.
- Keep in mind that not only is the Part C (Birth to 3) administered in some states by departments other than Education; there are also interagency models with program staff from different departments co-located and making eligibility determinations and providing services together.
- This model is focused on students and lacks the staff associations. Is that intentional?
- How is this effort meant to impact a state ECIDS work?
- Looking at this as not only for state/federal reporting, but also for reporting to EC programs and governmental entities throughout the state - a Community ODS for EC.
- Good point on the output, The Head Start Association has been looking for chances to partner with states to provide better data but they also want some data back to drive their analysis of their programs.
- There are a lot of nuances in the SC EC model and further discussion would be beneficial.
- Will the model accommodate if a child is receiving services in the child's own home? Will need to.
- SC
- 3. Next Steps
- Will conduct comparison with CEDS for EC model
- Ed will do mapping/comparison to CEDS latest EC model
- https://ceds.ed.gov/domainEntitySchema.aspx
- https://ceds.ed.gov/element/000356
- Consideration needed for accommodating students with blended funding, i.e. partial public funds and partial private payment
- SC early childhood slide should read (from Adriana):
- We are NOT collecting from External Agencies like:
- SC First Steps
- County Partnerships that provide programs and services
- Private PreK – SUNS No (only) for children in the CERDEP Program
- HeadStart Grantees
- HeadStart
- Early HeadStart
- DHHS Voucher Programs with Early Childhood Data to get children into Private PreK Schools
- We are NOT collecting from External Agencies like:
- Sayee can put together skeleton associations but would like help in knowing what attributes are currently being collected - ask to all for spreadsheet of data being collected
- Sayee to have discovery session with Justina Siuba, SC
- Will conduct comparison with CEDS for EC model
Next meeting: TBD
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