EC SIG - MN Interview - 2021-12-09
EC SIG - MN Interview - 2021-12-09
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Amiir | Amin | Minnesota DOE - IT PM Early Learning |
Tara | Chapa | Minnesota DOE - Finance - MARSS data collection |
Edward | Comer | Student1 |
Danielle | Hayden | Minnesota DOE |
Kendra | Lewis | Minnesota DOE - Data Collection Early Learning Scholarship |
Marilynn | Loehr | Minnesota DOE - Finance - MARSS data collection |
Gayra | Ostgaard | Minnesota DOE - Finance - MARSS data collection |
David | Reeg | Minnesota DOE |
Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Lindsey | Talbot | Minnesota DOE |
Avisia | Whiteman | Minnesota DOE |
Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
The meeting was held on 2021-12-09 11:00am - 12:30pm CT via WebEx
- Describe MDE responsibilities for young children (and their families) from Birth up to entry into Kindergarten related to (1) Early Intervention for disabilities and/or developmental delays and Special Education, (2) Head Start, (3) Child Care Assistance and (4) Early Learning such as:
- Data collected birth to kindergarten
- Determination of eligibility - collected by district
- Provision of services
- Evaluation of program and services
- Collection and use/reporting of data
- Development of service plan such as IFSP - do not have details
- Collect information for federal setting
- Attendance
- Membership
- SPED hours
- Demographics, free/reduced lunch & homeless status
- Formulary allocation to school districts - not financial data
- David - In our current EE Enrollment Parent data collection in Ed-Fi we do collect Household Income.
- Evaluation and qualification
- Possible to have re-evaluation in same year
- Entry and exit date
- One set of dates for initial evaluation
- New set of dates for re-evaluation
- Possible to have more than 1 enrollment in one school year
- Evaluation and qualification
- Programs tied to evaluation
- Screening is required for kindergarten
- Reporting purpose to the state
- Only students that went thru early learning
- Headstart
- Exit code associated with screening outcome
- Program referred to
- https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/schfin/MARSS/inst/
- Reporting purpose to the state
- Spreadsheet of data collected for SPED & Early Childhood eligibility - David to send to Sayee
- In addition to “standard” demographic and service delivery data, describe other types of data that MDE collects/uses for families of eligible young children such as financial information for Early Learning Scholarships, work history for the child care assistance program, participation in parent education services, school readiness assessment results and nutrition assistance data.
- Child Care is under Human Service
- General early education program
- ECFC - birth to age 5
- Sliding Fee tier
- Danielle - We do administer scholarships Pathway 1 and II that does intersect with child care.
- Early childhood data warehouse
- Head Start Association
- Collect student information and demographics provided in application, including some parent/guardian demo: education level, employment status
- For purpose eligibility - income eligibility for scholarship
- Option to do income verification
- Provide income eligibility for C-Cap, SNAP, foster care, Head Start
- Describe MDE’s participation in the collaborative exchange of data with other Minnesota state agencies and MN early childhood programs.
- Department of human services and Department of health
- Provide aggregated report
- Does not include immunization data
- We don’t necessarily have full family application data
- Application process & eligibility available after approved for scholarship recipient
- Child and use of scholarship funding
- Application/scholarship managed through
- Local districts & Headstart
- Pathway 1 - direct administration public programs have access to system
- Pathway 2 - child care programs do not have direct access to our system
- Application process & eligibility available after approved for scholarship recipient
- Department of human services and Department of health
Technical - Data Collection
- Will you be able to send a copy of your program data with ProgramType, ProgramName, ProgramEducationOrganization?
- Since you are collecting BeginDate and EndDate, is it fair to assume a student could be in the same program in a given school year with a different begin date but the previous ones being closed with an end date?
- This is not the scenario in NE.
- FundingSourceDescriptor - A basic question… How come the list doesn’t include the ‘State Funded’ value?
- ServiceMembershipHours - Any reason why this is under ‘n/a’ category?
- ServiceAttendanceHours - We heard you say that you are collecting this. But this is under the ‘n/a’ category. Are you collecting this under ‘StudentProgramAssociationAttendanceEvent’?
- Naming Convention - StudentEarlyLearningProgramAssociation vs StudentEarlyEducationProgramAssociation - Any thoughts for one vs the other?
- Is StudentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociation not needed for you?
- Will the Parent.Housholdincome be good enough?
- MN Student Enrollment Data Mapping Matrix
- David to send URL of current data mapping spreadsheet
- Here is our GitHub site for documentation on our Ed-Fi data elements: https://github.com/mn-mde-edfi/MDE-EdFi-Documentation
- Here is the file name of our complete Data Elements matrix for 2021-22: "2021-22 Data Mapping Matrix Ed-Fi 3.1.xlsx". Unfortunately the file size is 17MB so give it some time to load.
- Sayee to create draft model and present at next SIG meeting
- Opportunity for state to do the calculation in addition to collecting data
- Danielle - VPK and SR+ are eligible
- Issue - Districts can overwrite parent information - need parent unique id for each district to prevent overwrite
- We have parent/guardian records in ELSA for scholarship recipients, but we do not identify unique parents
- David to send URL of current data mapping spreadsheet
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