EC SIG Meeting 1 - 2021-11-30

EC SIG Meeting 1 - 2021-11-30


First NameLast NameOrganization
WyattCothranSouth Carolina Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
JoshFindlaySouth Carolina Department of Education
TerriHansonTexas Education Agency
DanielRalyeaSouth Carolina Department of Education
DavidReegMinnesota DOE
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
WendyStephensSouth Carolina Department of Education
LindseyTalbotMinnesota DOE
AdrianaVidalSouth Carolina Department of Education
MarkWaldalMinnesota DOE
AvisiaWhitemanMinnesota DOE


Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Meeting recording LINK

The meeting was held on 2021-11-30 2:00pm - 3:00pm CT via WebEx


  • Gather requirement details from SEAs.
  • Next steps
    • Build a model
    • Get the feedback
    • Present it to the larger SEA WG.

Meeting Notes

  • Meeting cadence
    • expect 3 to 4 1-hour work sessions
    • Individual state interviews
  • Recap from the SEA User Group session
    • Current manual processes that need to be standardized
    • Early Childhood Certification
    • MI had a collaborative model for EC domain with state implementation that included basic student demographics and put on hold before moving into EC
  • Early Childhood Use Case Definition
    • As a State Education Agency, we need to collect Early Childhood Student data including specific programs they participate in to report the information yearly.
    • As a State Education Agency, we need to collect Early Childhood Student Assessment data for reporting to the commissioner, the board of trustees of the LEA, to student’s parent or guardian, and report it to the LEA for use in the School Readiness Certification System.
  • SEA Requirements
    •  NE
      • Using an extension of student program association with 2 standardized custom programs for districts to use (1 PreK without Head Start and 1 PreK with Head Start); do not use begin and end date because this data considers one program per student per year; concern with students changing EC programs; collect a descriptor field that tells what type of PreK program the student is enrolled in (such as grant-funded and other financial and legal conditions); have home-based as well as Birth to 3; getting this data through SIS vendors; have two special case regional reports that do not have standard SIS, use Child plus and are not integrated with Ed-Fi so need to do manual ETL to load this data; scope of collection is public preK; have full day and half day preK
      • Challenges include that we are collecting a minimal set of data currently and to integrate with statewide EC system this  would not be enough; report this twice a year - included in end of year collection; Head Start in public entities are included and others are not.
    • MN
      • MARSS (school finance system being modernized with Ed-Fi) includes any state-funded early childhood programs including preK, EC SPED and others in place and used in mapping for early learning in 2021 to support early learning data collection for non-state funded programs except Head Start, does include funding sources, service membership hours, service attendance hours and reasons exited, parent information (name, gender, birthdate, ed level, income, # in household, parent/guardian, rcvg assistance +); will work with ChildPlus and waiting for leverage in Build Back Program; will include financial support programs; separate data system for scholarships provided (those funds are available to support attendance at both state-funded and non-state funded programs). Multiple uses of this data. Do not have parent ID system - this is a need as we currently are challenged fabricating those IDs. Will send Common Course Catalog information (currently being piloted and certifying vendors on this). Currently a work in progress with CCC requirements for early education with rollout planned for next year. Also EC screening data is available for 1 day screening required for Head Start and state-funded programs from 3 years of age through kindergarten (coordinates with Child Find requirements).
        • Eclds.mn.gov
        • our acronym is MARSS - Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System
      • One vendor who is not a full SIS communicates with SIS vendors to integrate with district SIS and submit to Ed-Fi; currently have integration with Infinite Campus.

Action Items:

  • State Interviews to be scheduled
    • MN - David Reeg & finance data team to gather details of work done and have separate follow-up meeting with Sayee
    • Another meeting to be scheduled for sharing by SC, IN and TX.

Next meeting: TBD (in January 2022) 

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