2019-08-23 Educator Preparation Technical Subgroup Meeting

2019-08-23 Educator Preparation Technical Subgroup Meeting

The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why



Tricia Farris

LaCole Foots

Lori Ludwick

Luis Machuca

Cari Reddick

Sarah Kolbe

Tiffany Fernandez

Jordan Mader

Steven Arnold

Nancy Smith

The meeting is scheduled via WebEx 2019-08-23 10:00 am-11:00 am CT.

Agenda/Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Slides: TPDM Working Group 2019-08-06.pptx

  1. TPDM October Release
    1. Issues that need group input/discussion
    2. Issues planned for release since last meeting
  2. (Time Permitting) TPDM Post October Release
    1. TPDM Data Exchange Standard
    2. Potential Q1 2020 release of a TPDM 1.0

Comments or feedback from last meeting:  None


Issue for Group Discussion

TPDMX-20 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Question (for any non Tk20 implementer): TeacherCandidateFieldworkExperienceSectionAssociation has this information, will your FieldworkExperience always have a section?

  • Course/Section for the university AND grade level/subject for the K12 assignment
  • Courses are not mapping grade/subject; provided through Tk20. On Observation form (not required - but asked for when we provided our placements), provide Grade and Subject. Could change from one observation from another.
  • Our users will be much more interested in the grade/subject of the students our candidates are teaching than a university course/section associated with the fieldwork experience
  • Would EPPs be interested in both? Isn’t there alignment between EPP programming and the eventual subjects that their completers/teachers teach?
  • Yes, but I think that will be captured by 'program', not a course/section particular to fieldwork experience - at least for us
  • Elem - only have one placement; Secondary or all level (preK-12) - will be teaching the same subject at multiple levels
  • Same subject; Grade could vary
  • don’t know if that is the same - could be doing both Chemistry and Physics
  • same as above with Relay - flexibility would be helpful
  • The University course would be generic - e.g. Fieldwork 3000
  • If a TC is enrolled in an Early Elem program - will their fieldwork always be the same?
  • should be able to connect what kind of program they are into the grade level/subject of the fieldwork
  • bring back to model review
  • Number of hours per week, Begin Date, End Date, Co-teaching indicator (begin/end date)
    • Where do you need to see the number of hours - per school or per field experience?
    • hours are important, because they need to complete a certain number of hours
    • Need a way to capture total hours
  • Verification with LEA / SEA SIS?
    • TPP probably wouldn’t have that data, but an SEA implementation could

TPDMX-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TPDMX-60 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • For Relay, this would be helpful to add a classification field to alleviate the issue of not being able to distinguish their type. In addition, the ticket #60, also asks for a way to distinguish who manages the staff member (e.g. manager). Our campus Deans and leaders usually want to know how different teams are doing, the performance of their faculty and how they are impacting the teachers in their classroom. Having such relationship type within the staff will allow for us to be able to do this. So this way, a dean can see all faculty managed by x person and then the teacher candidate associated with that x person.
  • Staff to Staff. Deans want to know how they are impacting, who they are associated with
  • What are the relationships?
  • Would this be different relationships like 'university supervisor', 'advisor', etc.? There is value is finding a way to determine that. (university relationship)
  • Staff to staff - we might be organized differently - more likely to associate that with a program; less likely around staff to staff
  • could see the value of having data in the model and use for other reporting
  • what is the data source for this?
    • not sure how they are mapped together
    • does have data in Unit 4
  • Relay could use program associations, but there is variation of staff to staff within programs that this does not necessarily align

Targets of Surveys:

  • would this cover a course? Section of a survey could be about a course?
  • Talked about adding EdOrg - about a K12 school or TPP
  • the entire survey can be about an EdOrg
  • Course, Program, EdOrg needed at the section level?
  • don’t have anything that requires that at the section level. What did you think about your field experience? Could be an Ed Org, but right now we just think of that generally
  • within a survey - would you be targeting different entities? Section about Principal, Mentor Teacher, Course Faculty, and overall about Teacher Prep? Variety of targets within the same survey
    • yes, our Teacher Candidate survey does this

TPDMX-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • how is this different that completers in the field? And what type of data (e.g., growth/value add)
  • send surveys and sometimes they change roles (no longer teacher, might be principal); alumni is same thing as program completer
  • way to target 1st year or someone 5 years out 
  • Within TC domain; there is a program complete indicator and grad date
  • Assumption is that when you complete the program, you become a staff member
  • Issue is that you get alumni data, but don’t have the required student/staff data to connect to them
  • What would be done with that?
  • Alumni = someone who completes the program; defined differently across programs?
  • Where is the data come from? Who inputs, how often, how to distinguish roles over time? Good longitudinal research use, but who manages and updates the data to reflect different roles over time? How does this get updated in the model over time?
  • How do you associate to school years?
  • if you want to know longer term, impact in the field
  • Requires flexibility - may be anonymized
  • fewer things that are required the better - e.g. employment data from the state - will know a bit about their role. Knowing where they are employed is very valuable

Next Steps:

Sending out poll soon for at least one more meeting before WorkGroup meeting at the Ed-Fi Summit (August 29th)

Next  meeting: Date and time – TBD

Draft 2019-06-16

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