2019-07-01 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes
2019-07-01 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes
The TPDM Work Group is now the Educator Preparation Work Group. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why
Rosh Dhanawade | Mark Olofson |
Tricia Farris | Ana Quintana |
Tiffany Fernandez | Cari Reddick |
LaCole Foots | Alma Rodriguez |
Liam Honigsberg | Joshua Roy |
Anne-Marie Hoxie | Rick Rozzelle |
Sarah Kolbe | Michael Taylor |
Lori Ludwick | Paul Tuss |
Jordan Mader | Nancy Wilson |
Phillip Nguyen |
Steven Arnold
Nancy Smith
The meeting was held WebEx 2019-07-01 1:00pm-2:00pm CT.
Agenda/Meeting Minutes:
- Welcome and introductions: Roll call was conducted. There were 19 participants in attendance.
- Ed-Fi Committee Intellectual Property Discussion and Policy: Rick Rozzelle explained the Ed-Fi Intellectual Property Policy. No questions or comments were received.
- Review & discuss TPDM Work Group Charter: No additional questions or comments were received. The Charter will progress through the Ed-Fi governance process.
- Discuss Subgroups and membership: Nancy reviewed the 4 subgroups that were originally proposed (technical, general, SEA/LEA, and dashboard) and explained that the technical subgroup received the most interest. LaCole Foots indicated an interest to serve on the technical subgroup. Members who have not yet indicated a subgroup preference were asked to send an email identifying subgroup participation if they are interested.
- Volunteers for Work Group Chair and Co-Chair: Mark Olofson, TEA, and Tiffany Fernandez, Relay GSE, have expressed an interest in serving as co-chairs.
- Next Steps:
- Meeting minutes will be posted on Tech Docs.
- Nancy will share a document with Work Group member names and emails to facilitate communication with each other.
- Steven will begin work with the technical subgroup to work through JIRA tickets and will bring items that need discussion back to the TPDM Work Group.
- A doodle poll will be created to establish the date/time for the next Work Group meeting.
Comments or feedback from last meeting: There were no comments from last meeting.
- Jordan Mader asked a question for SEAs/LEAs about whether their system’s data structures can accommodate typical EPP data (e.g., mentor teacher, teacher quality, teacher placement) that aren’t normal to the typical SEA/LEA infrastructure.
- Mark Olofson indicated that he is focused on the teacher preparation data (i.e., early career teachers), but does face a challenge of accommodating historical data and thinks it will be good for SEAs to talk about that. Mark also asked if any EPPs that are functioning in Texas were interested in sharing their work and the reason(s) why they are interested in TPDM. They are starting a Texas group and he will connect folks that email him.
- Rosh Dhanawade is currently working on an Ed-Fi implementation with LEAs but plans to go to TPDM implementation. Indiana University (IU) has a homegrown system, so they need to identify which data from their system can feed a TPDM ODS. IU does feed teacher prep data to LEAs.
- Nancy reminded everyone that there will be a TPDM Work Group meeting on Sunday, September 29th from 3-5 pm prior to the start of the Ed-Fi Summit on September 30th. Nancy also advised that there will be a session at STATS DC, a conference sponsored by NCES, in which Mark and Rosh will discuss TPDM from the SEA and LEA/University perspectives, respectively, and Cari will demonstrate the dashboards.
Next Steps:
- Steven will launch a Data Model work group and take JIRA ticket recommendations to the Technical subgroup for review.
- A doodle poll will be administered to find date/time for the next Work Group meeting.
Next meeting: Date and time – TBD
, multiple selections available,
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