TAG Meeting 2023-02-16
TAG Meeting 2023-02-16
- Review highlights of January TAG
- Ed-Fi Customer Success team plans for 2023
- Housekeeping
- Established and emerging patterns for “data in”
- Vendor → API
- Vendor → file → Data Import -> API
- Vendor ←
- Vendor →
- Review highlights of January TAG
- Josh A, Rosh, and JF volunteer to help move the performance testing community forum forward
- Ed-Fi Customer Success team plans for 2023
- Need to help managed service providers stay on the same page as Ed-Fi with external advice
- Ed-Fi Community Hub will help distill the most important / emerging guidance from Tech Docs into a more usable format.
- Suggestion of a customer advisory group to work with MSP and Ed-Fi vendors, learn from LEA and SEA implementations.
- EDITORIAL REMARK: arguably this applies to system integrators and collaboratives as well. Stephen
- Salesforce and Slack: yes there is an integration, and the Alliance will explore using it.
- Should we use Slack or Tracker?
- Tracker is the source of record.
- Slack best for asking for community support. Ed-Fi staff will usually redirect to Tracker if no one answers.
- Challenges with existing platforms
- Tech Docs – too much
- Slack - insufficient history and discoverability
- Stack Overflow is ideal for many → Community Hub
- Need to help managed service providers stay on the same page as Ed-Fi with external advice
- Housekeeping
- Established and emerging patterns for “data in”
- Data Import
- Limited on deletes.
- Primarily intended for assessment data.
- Work around
- Emerging pattern used by several providers when a vendor does not provide data directly to Ed-Fi (either no connection, or some data are not included): export it directly to the lake / warehouse, bypassing the Ed-Fi API.
- Example: one LEA wants program participation information that is in their SIS. The SIS connects to the Ed-Fi API only for the SIS-certified resources, which do not include program participation. Therefore, export that info directly into the lake/warehouse.
- Warning: bypassing data integrity safeguards in the Ed-Fi API, thus the data engineering pipeline will need to be more complex to ensure data quality.
- It sounds as if this is becoming increasingly common in implementations, leading to the question: what value is Ed-Fi providing if we're having to work around it?
- Detailed discussion of certification
- SIS certification originally designed around data for the Dashboards. LEA's now need other data, and some vendors won't provide it because it is not covered in the certification.
- Is that the intent of the certification - to limit the data? In a very real sense, yes: that was the intent. So that SIS vendors (in particular) know that they have a limited scope of data to provide, rather than having open-ended requirements.
- Alliance is revising the list of required / optional fields this year.
- Middleware
- There are a few cases where a middleware component is provided by a third party that helps exchange data between vendor and Ed-Fi API. Did not go into detail.
- Vendor-hosted API
- A SIS vendor expressed concern with this approach because of the mismatch between the SIS data model and Ed-Fi model.
- EDITORIAL REMARK: I did not explain sufficiently that this meant the vendor having an Ed-FI-compliant API, so that the client isn't seeing the vendor's data model. Stephen
- These issues expose high barrier for vendors to start with (or expand) Ed-Fi integration.
- Are there additional tools we could provide?
- Need to have a unified ask to vendors from many parties, demonstrating a systematic market problem.
- Data Import
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