TAG Meeting 2023-03-23

TAG Meeting 2023-03-23


  1. Data Standard v5 roadmap update and feedback  - we have been getting requests for more data governance, and the need to standardize usage is a greater priority as use of Ed-Fi grows.
  2. Proposals to improve certification and feedback– similar reason as above, and we are looking at getting tighter on clarifying geographic availability, per TAG and other discussions that improvement there is important.
  3. (time permitting) ODS API roadmap – technical roadmap on the core tech, good to get periodic TAG feedback on priority and ideas.



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JoshAllenDenver Public Schools
DavidClementsEd-Fi Alliance
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics/INsite Substitute
StephenFuquaEd-Fi Alliance
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
MatthewJacksonUnicon Inc.
VinayaMayyaEd-Fi Alliance
RonPeashaInfinite Campus
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
LucySauraLake Washington School District
AudreyShayWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance


Data Model 

The Program Evaluation proposal generated a good deal of discussion:

  • An evaluation is a type of Assessment - instead of adding to the model, could we just re-use Assessments? Or Surveys?
  • Concern: using Assessment might be difficult to configure for organizational/relationship security, instead of namespace-based authorization
  • Denver & Colorado could use this Program Evaluation model for teacher evaluations:
  • Not everyone is clear on the details on how Assessment/Survey may or may not fit the needs here. Decided to continue the conversation offline. Mustafa to initiate with Andrew, Rosh, JoshA, Audrey, and via Sayee, other SEA's.


  • The TAG was in favor of the changes. The main point added was to ensure that the language was clear that a product is not certified within a particular region if that region is not listed; i.e., the geographies metadata is not a "helpful" guide, but a clear distinction.
  • Other comments
    • Need more vendor mapping documents to better understand reality for different contexts.
    • Procurement relies on good wording of the requirements, so be careful to get detailed feedback before making final changes. GAT / TAG input.
    • With the proposed changes, if a state mandates certification but does not check the certification, and if the vendor does not actually fully support data collection for that state (they certified elsewhere), then the Alliance would be able to flag the certification as not applicable in that state.
  • Next steps: summer timeframe to share out proposals, with November publishing date (coinciding with Data Standard 5.0 and ODA/API 7.1).

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