TAG Meeting 2023-07-20
- Summit 2023
- Roadmap updates
- Validation and error reporting
- Admin API 2.0
- Summit registration
- Roadmap updates
- Not expecting that anyone will use ODS/API 7.0 for 2023-2024 school year - released too late for that.
- It will be tested to be "production ready", but we anticipate people will upgrade to 7.1 by the time we get to the 2024-2025 school year.
- Please let us know if you do plan on running 7.0 in production (with Data Standard 4?).
- Data Checker
- No one here is using it or knows of anyone using it.
- Validation and Error Reporting
- Discussing how error resolution works, Wyatt gave a brief walkthrough of PowerSchool's "Publishing Page". Resources are grouped and ordered sequentially - publish from top down to bottom of the page. Helps you know to stop trying to publish additional resources once you have errors to correct.
- Not practical to try to assign "universal" or "generic" error messages that work across different source systems, because of differences in how the applications present data and in terminology (example: what Ed-Fi calls a CourseOffering maps to a Course in one student information system).
- Error codes: requested by Skyward; Aeries and Edupoint agree that error codes would be helpful.
- Would establish a set of codes that should be used for the same problem in any Ed-Fi compatible API, regardless of the human language text.
- Source systems could react to that code with specific instructions or potentially even UI updates to help end users resolve problems.
- Will require code level investigation to determine if feasible (that is, can be done at reasonable cost) in the ODS/API. High priority to investigate this after the ODS/API 7.1 release in November.
- Will also investigate for Meadowlark.
- If we determine that it is feasible, then we can do the analysis about what codes to assign for different types of errors.
Next Meeting
members: please send any agenda suggestions.
Action Items
- Stephen Fuqua send out Summit registration code to each TAG "point person" per organization
- Vinaya Mayya proof of concept work around enriching ODS/API level 1 validation messages with an error code
- David Clements proof of concept work around enriching Meadowlark validation messages with an error code