SWG 2022-10-06 Meeting

SWG 2022-10-06 Meeting


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First NameLast NameOrganization
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics
KatieFavaraTexas Education Agency
NicholasHandvilleGeorgia Department of Education
AnneHansknechtMichigan CEPI
ScottKuykendallDelaware DOE
MarilynnLoehrMinnesota DOE
DanielRalyeaSouth Carolina Department of Education
DavidReegMinnesota DOE
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
SusanRose-AdametzWisconsin DPI
JaidaaShafaeiWisconsin DPI
JenniferShafferKansas State Dept of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
SarahShroyerMinnesota Department of Education
LeanneSimonsTexas Education Agency
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
RickThompsonSouth Carolina Department of Education
SavathTongNew Mexico Public Education Department
MaryWhiteNew Mexico Public Education Department


Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held 2022-10-06  1:00Pm -2:15pm CT via WebEx

Agenda and Notes

Meeting Agenda PPT

WI’s questions around the residency status data capture:




Part time or full time open enrollment - Students sometimes receive education services in a non-resident district. The neighboring district may have coursework or special programs not available in the resident district.

Is StudentSchoolAssociation (SSA) or StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation(SEORA) or the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation (SEOA) the Alliance’s preferred way of tracking Residency?

If SSA is preferred, does the Alliance view a requirement for multiple SSA on residency change as being a concern?

If SEORA is preferred, what is the expected authorization?  Is it the resident district’s responsibility to submit the SEORA or the attending district’s?

Because we use SEORA to authorize SSEPEA, if we were to pivot using SEORA instead of SSA, I believe we would need to extend SEORA to include both the ResidencyStatusDescriptor and ResidentLEA as the attending district would need to be the one submitting the data.   Would it possibly be better to create an entirely new resource- studentResidencyAssociation?


  • How are states collecting residency status using Ed-Fi?
  • How do we collect this in Ed-Fi in a standard way?
  • Should we change anything with the model or are there other Ed-Fi concerns?


  • DE collects sending/feeder school as the resident school and that school is connected to an LEA. There are three records/schools in SEORA with this scenario: Accountability, Funding and Resident.
    • Note - WI and TX are collecting the Child Find data (SPED eligibility data).
    • WI - when residency changes, the state closes the enrollment record and opens a new enrollment record with the new residency status in SSA.  But the problem with that is new scheduling, courses and all new tie ups to StudentSectionAssociation. MN seems to be following the method too.  The residentLEA is an extension to SEOA in WI and it does not seem like a viable option as they are starting to collect membership information.  The residentLEA is a critical data for the membership collection.  SEOA.residentLEA worked for accountability needs but won’t work for membership.
  • MN extends student assoc with resident LEA
    • This is how our finance system work to map to Ed-Fi
    • There is no alternative in the near-term
    • Resident district defined same as WI
    • When student transfers to a new district, there is a change to the enrollment record
    • Challenge for EC - need to clean up our model to support all scenarios (in our downstream systems no data can exist outside of the days a student is enrolled - this is problematic especially since some of our students are highly mobile and could have multiple records - not just 2)
  • NE has extended studentschoolassociation
    • Issue - Students awarded to the state/court - complicated set by Human Service department to establish resident information
    • Would make sense for us to collect this data and see it independently - have not looked at this responsibility yet. Leaning in on having a new entity to collect the resident information.  The question is should we create a new entity just to store the residency information?
  • AZ collecting funding district, not the resident district
    • WI - may do something similar if we do an entirely new entity
    • AZ has 3 combinations with their model - created an extension off of studentschoolassociation with local school entity in there (i.e. not a new entity)
  • WI 
    • Vendor prefers creating new resource
    • Similar to AZ with the start and end date with a period
    • WI - if creating a new entity, will follow a regular relationship/association, not responsibility association

Action Items:

  • Sayee to run by Data StandardTeam and report back with answers for best approach - by the end of the year, ready for the vendors before March 2023
    • Extending the SSA to have a new collection with







    • Using the SEORA and having additional elements for residentLEA and residencystatus
    • A brand new entity to have the residentLEA, residencystatus…. The authorization will be based on SSA for this entity. The existing SEORA will not have any changes.  Students in eligibility association will be authorized through the SEORA with the attending school district’s id in the ed.org id. 
    • Close the enrollment record and open a new enrollment record with the residency status change.
  • Sayee will connect Jaidaa to NEFEC for further discussion on “Qualtrics Survey

Next meeting: 11/6/2022 1:30-3:30 pm CT at the Summit

Last Update:  

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