2021-01-14 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes

2021-01-14 Educator Preparation Work Group Meeting Minutes


Co-Chairs: Tiffany Fernandez (Relay Graduate School of Education)  and Mark Olofson (Texas Education Agency)

First Name

Last Name


Megan BenayGreat Oaks Charter
Liz BrunetCrocus
Jonathan CarterUCONN
DavidDeGuireWisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
Brian Dill Randa Solutions
TiffanyFernandezRelay Graduate School of Education
JoseHinojosaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
SarahKolbeCalifornia State University
JoshuaKundertWisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
JeremyLandaTexas Education Agency
LuisMachucaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JordanMaderEducation Analytics
MartyReedRanda Solutions
AlmaRodriguezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JoshuaRoyWisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
DanielStuckeyRelay Graduate School of Education
JamesTeleseUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Paul TussCalifornia State University
JimVan OverscheldeTexas State University
NancyWilsonCollaboration Synergy
Rick RozzelleEd-Fi Alliance (Contractor)
Lindsey JuddEd-Fi Alliance
Steven ArnoldEd-Fi Alliance
MarkOlofsonTexas Education Agency

The meeting was held on 2021-01-14 from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CT, via WebEx


Lindsey Judd and Steven Arnold – Ed-Fi Alliance

Nancy Wilson and Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Agenda/Meeting Notes:

  1. Welcome 
    1. New to the group: Jeremy Landa (TEA) & Brian Petersen (Rand Group)
    2. Please note that participation in this work group meeting or other governance activities occurs under the terms of the Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property Disclosure Policy

  2. Updates
    1. Plans for RFC v1.0 release (Jan 15th, 2021)
      1. Building on that plan that started with v0.8, continued alignment with Ed-Fi Core
      2.  Growth measures removed (TPDMX-187)
      3. Anonymized students removed (TPDMX-138)
      4. Survey (with TPDM installed) updated to use person (TPDMX-178)
      5. Department as an Education Organization will be added to an upcoming core data standard release (DATASTD-1396)

MB -  Is there anything I need to send the TeachBoost team about the 1.0 release?

SA – will send documentation to Megan once release, Megan and Steven to coordinate/facilitate discussions on upgrade need/timeline

MO- Mapping Edu will be updated for v1.0

SA- Will post updated on Tech Docs

b. Proposed TPDM Work Group Goals/Focus Areas – review and feedback offline 

JO – Will TPDM be renamed to EPDM?

This would have be discussed further as there are a lot of downstream impacts

c. Updates on Non-Technical Artifacts and access

i. We received your valuable feedback and either: determined that the changes were doable, determined that the changes would require major reworking of the resource and therefore another new resource is needed, and considered suggestions for additional resource         development

       ii.  Resources can be found here: https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TPDMX/TPDM+Resources

3.Data Ingestion Project Update 

a. Unicon Project Update – Linda Feng, Unicon

i. Unicon has drafted Onboarding Guidebook and would like feedback from WG members

MO -Is there a manual review at some stage? And how robust?

SA – This was meant to test that we could do this, If we move forward with actual application we would design in more robustness

LL – How is the connection completed? EPP’s don’t always own SIS data and universities are hesitant

JO- Highlighted differing curriculum records and EPP admission

4. Starter Kit Updates

a. Program Diversity and Persistence - find here See Ed-Fi.org

b. Clinical Experience and Performance - will be available soon

5. Subgroup(s) to Explore

a. Model Related Domains: Field Placement/Growth Measures & Application

b. Starter Kit Maturation: Program Diversity and Persistence & Clinical Experience and Performance

JO - I have a lot of experience with field placement and candidate growth at Texas State if I can help

6. Additional notes:

a. See diagram for direct connection to Univ. SIS (Lori Ludwick from Crocus) — transferability to other states?

b. Platform vendor (w/ N2N) interested in building out POC; have mock SIS and want to replicate data extract from that, hopeful it will be another option and have more flexibility

7. Desired Webinars and Trainings

a. See live poll results answering - What topics would be most beneficial to know more about? (N=18 completed)

IT - One topic missing that has come up is Functional testing resources for dashboards/visualizations

Next Steps:

  • Email Lindsey Judd of interest in participating in Sub-Groups at Lindsey.Judd@ed-fi.org and invite others to join
  • Want feedback on starter kits — have Program Diversity and Persistence; Clinical Experience and Performance available soon
  • For next meeting - discuss plans for Landing Zone to update to 1.0
  • Doodle poll to determine next TPDM WG Meeting Date and proposed agenda items

Next  meeting: Date and time – TBD

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