TAG Meeting 2016-09-07
- Matt Warden
- Don Dailey
- Mark Walls
- Dan Retzlaff
- Geoff McElhanon
- Mark Reichert
- Eric Jansson
- Chris Moffatt
Two main topics:
- Select topics for the October in person meeting at the Ed-Fi Summit. We reviewed the list of proposed topics and the voting on topics, and after discussion it was decided that the topics that would be addressed include these:
- Performance and scalability of Ed-Fi technology (incl. scalability concerns in related standards, like the REST API standards). (Following the meeting, Don Dailey agreed to lead this discussion).
- Ecosystem maturity. This would include certification, documentation and all programs designed to increase the capability of the Ed-Fi community. (Following the meeting, Richard Charlesworth agreed to lead this discussion).
- One additional topic TBD. We would wait to see what topics emerged as important at the meeting.
- The other topic was versioning information, for which the attached Powerpoint deck was presented. There was discussion on a variety of topics, including:
- Extension resource models might have problems with URLs. It was pointed out that the "namespaces" were likely to be simple strings, and not actual URLs, more along the lines of NPM.
- Componentization of API. It was agreed that this might alleviate some problems with having to rebuild the system. However, issues with multiple versions of different assemblies working together was raised as a possible issue.
- Versioning API and resource models separately or not? The direction from the TAG was mixed: some members agreed that separate versioning made sense and increased the ability to be flexible, but some made the point that clarity and simplicity for the vendor ecosystem is also very important and may be a reason not to have separate versioning.