2023-11-29 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes

2023-11-29 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes


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First Name

Last Name


KevinBadgettUniversity of Texas Permian Basin
JonathanBasiagoRelay Graduate School of Education
RyenBordenBill & Melinda Gates Foundation
LarryDanielUniversity of Texas Permian Basin
CraigEpsteinEd-Fi Alliance
VeronicaEstradaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
RebekahHarrisAzusa Pacific University
JoseIbarraUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
SarahKolbeImani Software
ScottLiptonThe Holdsworth Center
LuisMachucaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
JuanMoralesUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
FranciscoTamezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
PaulTussCalifornia State University
AlbertVasquezUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance


Lindsey Judd – Community Manager, EPPWG Ed-Fi Alliance

Steven Arnold – Technical Lead

Ann Su  - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held on 2023-11-29, 3:00pm - 4:00pm CT via WebEx

Agenda and Notes

  1. Welcome
  2. Updates
    1. Community Updates
      1. UT Permian Basin
        1. Gone live with Ed-Fi powered dashboard; working through some technical challenges - may be user error; will be a great resource
        2. Thinking how to structural mechanize data use
        3. New committee at college of education - one facet of work is data work
          1. How to make it saturated and impactful
          2. Gain mechanized structure
          3. We are trying to hire a Coordinator for Assessment and Accreditation.  Please send us names of good people we could reach out to.
        4. Lindsey - use case on Performance observation evaluation
        5. Utilizing Insight to Impact dashboard
          1. conversation with outside on how to build capacity
    2. Ed-Fi Updates
      1. Ed-Fi EPP Data Model 
        1. Sustainability
        2. Lower barriers of EPP Ed-Fi Implementation
        3. Improve educator pipeline data sharing
      2. Certification Domain Review
        1. Certification subgroup to collect feedback on how to track certification
        2. Plan - flexible way to track progress
      3. Ed - update on EPDM model design 
        1. Iterative process of what use cases are used
        2. Flexibility with plan - student can change plan
        3. Status - associated with a phase
        4. Plan milestone - status as of a certain date
        5. Release delayed - let Steven know if interested to help provide feedback
    3. Candidate Observation Evaluation Tool
      1. Demo of tool
      2. Can you modify if person entered incorrect date and time
        1. Can review be shared with the student?
          1. Student will be in in-person meeting to review evaluation; access by supervisor and cooperating teachers only
      3. Plan is to wrap up by end of December 2023 - to have main proof-of-concept
      4. Tool is not just for Texas, model is designed to be flexible for the community
  3. Breakout Discussion – Teacher Workforce
    1. How do the perspectives of EPPs on educator supply and demand differ from school districts?
    2. AAEE survey on Educator Supply & Demand
      1. Shortage of all subjects
    3. Paul - Recruitment is an issue, not just retainment; completion rate is lower
      1. Challenge is tracking outcome, encourage students at different conferences to go into credential program
    4. Kevin - Don’t see a lot of disconnection
      1. Working with a district partner on building pipeline for educators at different levels
      2. Conversation at teacher prep side with supplemental certification
        1. How to pair with standard programing to integration how we supporting our districts, to support higher need students
    5. Sarah - CA doesn’t have systematic data on vacancy
      1. Would be good to see state-wide where are the shortages
    6. Kevin
      1. TFPR data - programmatic demographic data - something there to give us allocation of teaching assignment to population
      2. How to leverage I-to-I dashboard 
    7. Veronica
      1. High teacher shortage in TX
      2. District of innovation - teacher candidate prefer to go non-certified and start working
      3. Lindsey - curious about how they are thinking about the impact?
        1. Veronica - great question to ask our advisory 
      4. Some districts don’t always engaged EPPs
  4. Closing
    1. Teacher Workforce Advisory - reach out to Lindsey if interested in joining

Next  meeting: TBD

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