TAG Meeting 2019-06-12
TAG Meeting 2019-06-12
See slides
- Andrew R
- Audrey Shay, WI DPI
- Chris M
- Gary J
- Geoff M
- Jen D
- Jim M
- John Raub, WI DPI
- Juan Pablo
- Lee Barber
- Rosh D
- Sayee Srinivasan, Ed-Fi Alliance
- Shannon Kerlick, Ed-Fi ALliance
- Roadmap Update - no discussion
- Work Group and SIG updates - there was brief point made that the AWG proposal to use the assessment model as a survey model may be fairly impactful and may not be the right overall community direction given the diversity of survey data. While the solution may work for SEL, it may not be appropriate for broader survey adoption. Action: TAG to take a deeper dive on this question at next meeting, and Eric to surface parallel work going on in the TPDM space
- Enrollment API - review only, no discussion
- Level 1 error messages. This continues to be a struggle in the field, with the core issue being that data correction is a difficult process and ambiguous error messages make that process more difficult. In the discussion, several options for action came up.
- Catalog/organize problematic errors. Possibly focus on the top errors and make sure those messages are as actionable as possible.
- Introduce error codes, so that agencies or vendors can override or provide supplementary info on error conditions.
- Publish best practice for vendors. Should vendors surface errors direction or take other actions?
- (slightly unrelated) Allow certain L1 errors to be handled at the API level (example: end date is prior to start date)
Issue #4 to be taken up at next TAG meeting