TAG Meeting 2019-08-14

TAG Meeting 2019-08-14


  • Gary Johnson
  • Jen Downey
  • Marco Alcozer
  • Lee Barber
  • Neal Schuh
  • Rosh Dhanawade
  • Thomas Christensen
  • Jim McKay
  • Sayee Srinivasan
  • Shannon Kerlick
  • Eric Jansson


See slide deck for agenda

Non-breaking API release. The concept of non-breaking was reviewed and no TAG members saw issues with a "non-breaking" release working in practice.

Two suggestions were made:

  • MetaEd should surface dependencies on deprecated elements as warnings
  • the ODS API Swagger should not deprecated elements

Record level Authorization. The concept was reviewed, as there has been some concern that the model could cause problems

  • In principle, the concept seems to work and probably solves the issue of "shared resources" / data thrashing well, as long as GETs also follow the authorization pattern (so they are hidden from the non-writing system). 
  • It was noted that key collisions seem possible in the cases of shared resources, as keys frequently rely on the EdOrg for identity.

Community Priorities

TAG members voiced support for these topics:

  • expanding open source support to include .NET core, as this seems consistent with the Microsoft strategy to allow deployment on many platforms
  • some action on improving API error codes. Jen volunteered to share some research into state errors that suggest possible ways to collaborate

There was also a brief discussion on the ambiguity of which items should be handled by the core development team and which are better pursued by community members. It was noted that there is some ambiguity of "where Ed-Fi ends"
