Meadowlark Releases

Release Notes

Milestone 0.2.0

See Meadowlark 0.2.0 for full details.

  • Replaced Dynamo DB with a choice of either MongoDB or PostgreSQL.
  • Replaced Serverless Framework with Fastify as an HTTP server.
  • Drawing closer to parity with the Ed-Fi ODS/API Suite 3, version 5.3. See Meadowlark - API Parity Gaps for more details.
  • Removed AWS deployment support, since so much of it was oriented around Dynamo DB and we have no orchestrated MongoDB or PostgreSQL deployment yet.

Code and deployment instructions:

Milestone 0.1.0

See Meadowlark 0.1.0 for full details

Brief description: a nearly-compatible Ed-Fi API implementation with Dynamo DB and OpenSearch as the backend data stores.
