2024-11-04 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes

2024-11-04 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes


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First Name

Last Name


RebekahHarrisAzusa Pacific University
RyenBordenBill & Melinda Gates Foundation
JamesO'MearaTexas A&M International University
PaigeTooleyTexas Education Agency
ScottLiptonThe Holdsworth Center
KevinBadgettUniversity of Texas Permian Basin


Lindsey Judd – Community Manager, EPPWG Ed-Fi Alliance

Steven Arnold – Technical Lead

Ann Su  - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held on 2024-11-04, 11:00am - 12:00pm CT via WebEx

Agenda and Notes

  1. Welcome 
    1. New Member
      1. Aadi Hirukar - Product Manager with EdWise
  2. Updates  
    1. Community Updates. 
      1. James O'Meara - Texas A&M President stimulating innovation grant
        1. Working with Cali, data manipulated  in spreadsheet that school principals are trying to make sense of, and make changes based on the performance data
        2. Kevin Badgett -University of Texas Permian Basin
          1. https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/accountability/academic-accountability/performance-reporting/texas-academic-performance-reports
          2. there are 2 different types of data
            1. Texas academic performance report
              1. Performance against standards
            2. Demographic data
              1. Student composition
        3. Lindsey Judd - may have data from Texas Exchange in alignment with what James is looking for
        4. Cali Stringer - some data is being pulled in from Insight to Impact
          1. Standardized and very broad level
          2. Very rich data set
        5. Paige Tooley - TEA • In I2I, it is campus demographic and link to TAPR PDFs
        6. James O'Meara  • *Monitors and ensures staff use of multiple forms of student data to inform instruction and intervention decisions that maximizes instructional effectiveness and student achievement.  • Competency 004—The entry-level principal knows how to monitor and assess classroom instruction to promote teacher effectiveness and student achievement.
        7. Scott Lipton - a lot of data already being collected but not being used; Texas has special funds to give teacher bonus based on student performance improvement
        8. James O'Meara - what are the essential questions we want answered with the dashboard? In addition to the accountability.
        9. Kristin Joseph - not involved with this
        10. Rebeka Harris - for CA EPP, preliminary admin services (don’t have data) more use for the LEA preparation world; not as much for IAG preparation. We are not as involved.
        11. Cali Stringer - there are so much data in Texas; we are trying to identify what is the EQ that one data set is answering versus another
    2. Ed-Fi Updates 
      1. EPDM Extension moved within the Ed-Fi Core Data Standard
        1. Cadence and updates aligned with data standard releases
        2. Planned release of v6 in November 2025 for use with 26-27 school year
  3. Feedback & Discussion - Types of Use Cases: Leveraging EPDM
    1. Apprenticeship Domain  
    2. State Education Agency Playbook for Empowering Educator Preparation Programs  
    3. Educator Workforce Use Case
      1. Challenge: teacher shortage, retention
      2. Provide data to districts - especially vacancy components
      3. Paige - heard a lot about vacancy data, priorities on 4 EQs
        1. Who are we hiring, sources - e.g. a lot of uncertified staff
        2. Retention - do teachers stay with the districts, which area has higher retention
        3. Provide support to Professional staff transition to teaching position
      4. Opportunity for ESA to provide credential and pathway that match demographic that meet the needs of the district
      5. James O'Meara - discussions about
        1. years of experience, certification
        2. Talk with planning group about new schools
        3. Turnover rate
        4. Financial
      6. Scott Lipton - being able to understand vacancy and improve retention is important at district level
      7. Rebekah Harris  • From an EPP perspective where we do not receive employment information or retention information from CTC or CDE, is there any discussion of including preparation program information and then allowing EPP access to some of the data?
        1. Lindsey Judd - that would be the ultimate use case
          1. It would require data sharing more broadly
      8. James O'Meara - need to see EPP match staffing need
      9. Rebekah Harris • In our EPP context where we have candidates employed across over 100 school districts, we've been able to do this with a couple of our district partners, but really have not been able to take it to scale across a larger percentage of our district partners.
  4. Closing

Next  meeting: TBD