2024-06-20 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes

2024-06-20 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes


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First Name

Last Name


RebekahHarrisAzusa Pacific University
JamesO'MearaTexas A&M International University
PaigeTooleyTexas Education Agency
ScottLiptonThe Holdsworth Center
VeronicaEstradaUniv. of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Lindsey Judd – Community Manager, EPPWG Ed-Fi Alliance

Steven Arnold – Technical Lead

Ann Su  - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held on 2024-06-20, 12:00pm - 1:00pm CT via WebEx

Agenda and Notes

  1. Welcome
    1. New members
      1. Kristen Joseph (Calderone) - CTC
      2. Liam Honigsberg - Arizona State University
      3. Jonathan Basiago - Relay Graduate School of Education
      4. Mustafa Yilmaz - Data Standards Team, Ed-Fi Alliance
  2. Updates
    1. Community Updates
      1. Rebekah Harris - Azusa Pacific University
        1. Partnering with University ?? on Ed Prep portal, similar to Ed-Fi starter kit
        2. Got to data visualization for both use cases
          1. Ed prep pipeline
          2. Evaluation observation, certification assessment data
        3. Continuing to clean up data validation
        4. Training faculty and program leadership on how to use the data
      2. James O'Meara - Texas A&M International University
        1. Texas doing well with data adoption for Insight to Impact
        2. Continuing with Institutional host dashboard
        3. AME system looking at another reporting system
        4. Focus on learning data and making data accessible
      3. Paige Tooley - Texas Education Agency
        1. Extension on Insight to Impact
        2. Observation dashboard expand to state-wide system
          1. For tracking each required observation record
          2. Real-time data entry
          3. Logintuitional data and trend
          4. Opportunity to provide continuous improvements
      4. Veronica Estrada - Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
        1. Host data center every year prior to Fall semester
        2. Dean challenge focus on faculty member use data
          1. Faculty to track data and looking at how to improve
          2. Difficult to get faculty inspired
        3. Would Ed-Fi tool kit help?
        4. Lindsey Judd - can get help from
          1. CSU
          2. US Prep
        5. James O'Meara
          1. Insight to impact - being able to pull in data to look at lag time, expectations, opportunities
          2. Student survey
          3. Appreciative inquiry, continuous improvement
    2. Ed-Fi Updates
      1. EPDM v.1.2 Release - June 12
        1. Includes “Path” concept
          1. Phases with milestones
          2. Identify student status and track milestones/phases
        2. Documentation available on TechDocs
      2. Candidate Observation Evaluation Tool POC
        1. Began with starter kit, users reported through Power BI
        2. Pulls metadata from an ODS/API and can send completed reviews back to the ODS/API
        3. Looking for community to review demo and provide feedback
        4. Opportunity for Starter Kit Cohort to pilot
      3. SEA Playbook to support EPP
        1. Making sure states understand what data is important to Ed Prep programs
        2. Veronica Estrada - data helps EPP
          1. Opportunities for continuous improvements
          2. Different pathways
          3. Student support
          4. Retention
          5. What more we can do to grow our programs
          6. Looking at data at more granular level
        3. Liam Honigsberg 
          1. Start build tight relationship with districts with high number of employment on data sharing
          2. Specific use case for research
          3. Don’t understand relationship with AZ state
        4. James O'Meara
          1. Work with career choices, apprenticeship
  3. Breakout Discussion – Teacher Apprenticeship
  4. Closing
    1. Scott Lipton
      1. Curious how AI can be used - for future discussion
    2. Ed-Fi Summit 9/30-10/2/2024

Next  meeting: 2024-11-04