2024-06-20 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes
2024-06-20 EPP Work Group Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held on 2024-06-20, 12:00pm - 1:00pm CT via WebEx
Agenda and Notes
- Welcome
- New members
- Kristen Joseph (Calderone) - CTC
- Liam Honigsberg - Arizona State University
- Jonathan Basiago - Relay Graduate School of Education
- Mustafa Yilmaz - Data Standards Team, Ed-Fi Alliance
- New members
- Updates
- Community Updates
- Rebekah Harris - Azusa Pacific University
- Partnering with University ?? on Ed Prep portal, similar to Ed-Fi starter kit
- Got to data visualization for both use cases
- Ed prep pipeline
- Evaluation observation, certification assessment data
- Continuing to clean up data validation
- Training faculty and program leadership on how to use the data
- James O'Meara - Texas A&M International University
- Texas doing well with data adoption for Insight to Impact
- Continuing with Institutional host dashboard
- AME system looking at another reporting system
- Focus on learning data and making data accessible
- Paige Tooley - Texas Education Agency
- Extension on Insight to Impact
- Observation dashboard expand to state-wide system
- For tracking each required observation record
- Real-time data entry
- Logintuitional data and trend
- Opportunity to provide continuous improvements
- Veronica Estrada - Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
- Host data center every year prior to Fall semester
- Dean challenge focus on faculty member use data
- Faculty to track data and looking at how to improve
- Difficult to get faculty inspired
- Would Ed-Fi tool kit help?
- Lindsey Judd - can get help from
- US Prep
- James O'Meara
- Insight to impact - being able to pull in data to look at lag time, expectations, opportunities
- Student survey
- Appreciative inquiry, continuous improvement
- Rebekah Harris - Azusa Pacific University
- Ed-Fi Updates
- EPDM v.1.2 Release - June 12
- Includes “Path” concept
- Phases with milestones
- Identify student status and track milestones/phases
- Documentation available on TechDocs
- Includes “Path” concept
- Candidate Observation Evaluation Tool POC
- Began with starter kit, users reported through Power BI
- Pulls metadata from an ODS/API and can send completed reviews back to the ODS/API
- Looking for community to review demo and provide feedback
- Opportunity for Starter Kit Cohort to pilot
- SEA Playbook to support EPP
- Making sure states understand what data is important to Ed Prep programs
- Veronica Estrada - data helps EPP
- Opportunities for continuous improvements
- Different pathways
- Student support
- Retention
- What more we can do to grow our programs
- Looking at data at more granular level
- Liam Honigsberg
- Start build tight relationship with districts with high number of employment on data sharing
- Specific use case for research
- Don’t understand relationship with AZ state
- James O'Meara
- Work with career choices, apprenticeship
- EPDM v.1.2 Release - June 12
- Community Updates
- Breakout Discussion – Teacher Apprenticeship
- Closing
- Scott Lipton
- Curious how AI can be used - for future discussion
- Ed-Fi Summit 9/30-10/2/2024
- Scott Lipton
Next meeting: 2024-11-04