Educator Preparation Programs

Latest Releases

  • June 2024: On behalf of the Ed-Fi community, we are pleased to announce the release of EPDM v1.2.

About the Alliance's work with Educator Preparation Programs

The Ed-Fi Alliance strives to help Educator Preparation Programs (EPP's) make sense of their disparate data sets by bringing them all together in one place, the Ed-Fi Data Standard. The data standard, along with the Educator Preparation Data Model (previously the Teacher Preparation Data Model) can manage data on an educator's full-career lifecycle, from pre-enrollment through their time in an educator preparation program, the certification process and work in K-12 institutions, and the outcomes of those students. In addition to the data model, we also offer insights into some of the most essential questions that EPP's are asking, through our Program Diversity and Persistence Starter Kit and Clinical Experience and Performance Starter Kit
