API Standard SIG - September 2023 Survey

API Standard SIG - September 2023 Survey


These two questions can both be yes in some cases. Almost everything except these first two questions can be optional.

Does your organization host one or more Ed-Fi ODS/API instances?

  • yes: 6
  • no: 4

Do your organization write code to interact with the Ed-Fi ODS/API?

  • yes: 10
  • no: 0

Feature Usage - Hosts

Likert scale with options: not using, some usage, critical usage

This section should be conditional, only showing up for those who answered YES to "...host one or more..." above.

Which of these ODS/API features do you use?

  • Profiles - for restricting data access
    • Both read and write
    • Not using: 1
    • Some usage: 3
    • Critical usage: 1
  • Profiles - for performance benefit
    • There are fewer attributes in the GET request
    • Not using: 4
    • Some usage: 1
    • Critical usage: 0
  • Extensions
    • Not using: 2
    • Some usage: 2
    • Critical usage: 1
  • Enable metadata / Open API spec 
    • Not using: 2
    • Some usage: 1
    • Critical usage:  2

Feature Usage - Client

Likert scale with options: not using, some usage, critical usage

This section should be conditional, only showing up for those who answered YES to "...write code to interact with..." above.

Which of these ODS/API features do you use?

  • Change Queries
    • Not using: 5
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  2
  • Link in the HTTP response
    • Not using: 4
    • Some usage:  3
    • Critical usage:  2

      "Critical" from 2 SIS vendors

      "Some" from a mix of groups

      More use than hypothesized

  • PUT requests - instead of DELETE & POST
    • (warning) Some organizations choose to DELETE  and then re-POST modified records, instead of using PUT. Commonly this is to avoid extra coding logic around disallowed natural key updates (e.g. no updating a StudentUniqueId ).
    • Not using: 3
    • Some usage:   5
    • Critical usage:  1
  • ETags and If-Match  header
    • Not using: 6
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  1
  • Data model information list at /api
    • Not using: 1
    • Some usage:   3
    • Critical usage:  4
  • XSD endpoint
    • Not using: 6
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  0
  • Dependencies endpoint
    • Not using: 2
    • Some usage:  3
    • Critical usage:  3
  • Enrollment Composite
    • Not using: 5
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  0
  • Identity Pass-through
    • Not using: 4
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  2
  • Location header - storing the ID
    • Not using: 3
    • Some usage:  2
    • Critical usage:  3


Applicable to everyone

Likert scale with options: must not, could, should, must

How important are the following to you as requirements for an Ed-Fi API?

  • Strict JSON payload validation
    • e.g. reject extra properties
    • Why? Someone might have a typo on an optional property and never realize because it was accepted but thrown away
    • Must not: 1
    • Could: 4
    • Should: 2
    • Must: 1

      In TAG discussion, found some valid reasons that we ought to allow this.

  • Require a DateTime to include time
    • Most validators require the time component, though some systems will infer it as midnight
    • Must not: 1
    • Could: 4
    • Should: 2
    • Must: 1
  • Store time in UTC
    • Otherwise, whose timezone is it?
    • Must not: 1
    • Could: 7
    • Should: 2
    • Must: 0

      Should instead have asked about storing the offset. That's what the ODS/API does today and what we should encourage.

  • Case sensitive resources names / attributes
    • /ed-fi/classPeriods is different from /ed-fi/ClAsPeriODs 
    • ?schoolId=1234  is a valid query but ?sCHOoLid=1234  is not
    • Should not be (or not only) dependent on database technology
    • Must not: 3
    • Could: 3
    • Should: 3
    • Must: 1

      Much more mixed opinions than on the next question. How many API frameworks can handle this easily?

  • Case sensitive string values
    • ?firstName=John and ?firstName=JOHN  return different results
    • This is the default in PostgreSQL, but not in SQL Server
      • Modifying the database setting is harder than one would think
    • Must not: 4
    • Could: 4
    • Should: 1
    • Must: 0

      This is not a popular feature, though it exists in PostgreSQL today. Be flexible, but discourage in new implementations.

Proposed Additions

Applicable to everyone.

Likert scale with options: no, neutral, yes.

How important are the following to you as requirements for an Ed-Fi API? All would be "COULD HAVE" features at this point, so that existing implementations do not immediately fall foul.

  • Standardized error codes
    • Why? Because error handling is hard today and too dependent on implementation details (like which database is being used).
    • Details are being worked out; in short, every 400 response would have a code that is independent of implementation, and can be translated to something meaningful to a human operating a source system.
    • No: 0
    • Neutral: 1
    • Yes: 9

      Very popular!

  • Declare case sensitivity in metadata
    • New idea for future releases
    • No: 2
    • Neutral: 3
    • Yes: 5
  • Delete by natural key
    • e.g. instead of DELETE .. /ed-fi/students/abcd1234xyz then DELETE ../ed-fi/students/studentUniqueId=1234
    • Particularly useful for organizations who are not storing the Ed-Fi unique identifier (abcd1234xyz in the example above).
    • No: 1
    • Neutral: 2
    • Yes: 7
  • For a GET query, add sorting field(s) and direction(s)
    • Exact format to be determined
    • No: 0
    • Neutral: 5
    • Yes: 5

Changes and Deletions

Applicable to everyone.

These statements are too long for a Likert-style widget. Each can be a separate question allowing a single choice of no, neutral, yes.

Any heartburn over the following proposed changes to the API Standard?

  1. Remove most references to XML files (except possibly the XSD file endpoint)
    1. No: 2
    2. Neutral: 6
    3. Yes: 1
  2. Today: "It is recommended that Descriptors be read-only from the API's perspective. However, an implementation may allow them to be created using POST and updated using PUT." Tomorrow: change to recommend (SHOULD) allowing all four operations for Descriptors: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE, so that the API can be the single point of entry for data (no direct database access).
    1. No: 2
    2. Neutral: 2
    3. Yes: 6
  3. Add that Descriptors should be searchable by querystring, just like Resources are.
    1. No: 1
    2. Neutral: 6
    3. Yes: 3
  4. Change reference to PATCH to say that an Ed-Fi API should not implement the PATCH verb. We don't have it today, and anyone adding it would risk significant fracturing of client code unless all add that support.
    1. No: 3
    2. Neutral: 5
    3. Yes: 1
  5. Remove references to search operators other than = (other terms aren't allowed in a URL query string).
    1. No: 2
    2. Neutral: 5
    3. Yes: 2
  6. These API guidelines are realized through a particular API specification. That specification will have search terms in it that will be flattened, and an Ed-Fi API MUST support those terms. Example: although a JSON body might have { "schoolReference":  { "schoolId": 1234 } }, the query should be ?schoolId=1234, not ?schoolReference.schoolId=1234, and this format must be expected of all implementations.
    1. No: 1
    2. Neutral: 5
    3. Yes: 3
  7. Remove the notion of field selectors, such as  /students/{id}?fields=firstName,lastSurname.
    1. No: 4
    2. Neutral: 5
    3. Yes: 1

      I should revisit this. How would it work for nested JSON documents? Is it feasible in the ODS/API? What happens if people rely on it in one implementation and another doesn't have it?

  8. Add something about an API could support keyset/cursor paging as an alternative to limit/offset style paging.
    1. There is a significant performance concern on many databases when you try to use limit/offset paging after around 10,000 items.
    2. No: 2
    3. Neutral: 2
    4. Yes: 6
  9. Change the paging to state that limit / offset SHOULD be implemented, not MUST be implemented.
    1. Given the performance concern, it would make sense to allow a host to disable access to this type of paging.
    2. No: 2
    3. Neutral: 5
    4. Yes: 3
  10. Expand the list of HTTP status codes to include all available, highlighting a few additional relevant 5xx codes.
    1. No: 2
    2. Neutral: 3
    3. Yes: 5
  11. Remove all references to three-legged OAuth, users, user roles, etc. This API is only for system-to-system interaction, not for direct end-user support. Don't forbid it, just leave it out.
    1. No: 2
    2. Neutral: 6
    3. Yes: 2

Final Thoughts

We already have an email address for everyone who will receive this, so no need to add that. Name and organization should be required so that we can followup if there are surprises.

Free text comment box




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Survey Results Page

→ Exported results: API Standard SIG - September 2023 Survey(1-10).xlsx

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