API Standard SIG - 2023-08-24
API Standard SIG - 2023-08-24
- Query Support
- Searching: e.g. GET /ed-fi/studentSchoolAssociations?studentUniqueId=ABCXYZ
- Selectors
- Paging
- HTTP Status Codes
- Security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Non-repudiation
Query Support
Removing note about "other operators": no comments / no concerns raised.
- Searching
- Natural keys: yes, several are using it for retrieving IDs, especially before PUT / DELETE (not storing the POST response for future use)
Can different Ed-Fi API's have different query keys? No - at least for the natural keys, need to have standard forms - having variation (e.g. today's ODS/API vs. Meadowlark) would be expensive to handle from an API client application standpoint.
- Furthermore, when a natural key is merged from multiple resources, how would the API client decide which path to take. Could take any, but why force a decision?
- Example:
- ODS/API allows
- ?schoolId=1234
- ?schoolYear=2023
- Meadowlark allows
- ?schoolReference.schoolId=1234 or ?calendarReference.schoolId=1234
- ?schoolYearTypeReference.schoolYear=2023 or ?calendarReference.schoolYear=2023
- ODS/API allows
Conclusion: Meadowlark and other API instances need to conform to ODS/API at least for natural key queries
Add support for querying Descriptors
- Selectors
- In theory could be useful, but not implemented in ODS/API today
- Can solve with Profiles in ODS/API, but not with Meadowlark right now.
No objections raised to removing
- Paging
- Need to continue supporting LIMIT... OFFSET... where possible
- The API should be able to limit this to avoid overuse that could cause them database performance problems
Make it a SHOULD not a MUST to allow special situations
- Would like to have more efficient keyset / cursor based paging.
COULD have, gradually introduce and maybe get more strict in the future
- Ordering
- Proposal to add a
have requirement for supporting ordering
- Need to experiment with both ODS/API and Meadowlark to see what is feasible
- If "could" only, then find a way to declare availability in version endpoint and/or Open API specification
- Use same key name as found in the search
- Also a direction (ASC/DESC), and it needs to be by field if allowing sorting by multiple fields
- Proposal to add a
HTTP Status Codes
No concerns expressed about further opening up the status codes
- User-level
No objections expressed to removing this language, emphasize that the user interface should further limit for users.
- Three-legged OAuth
- User authorization
- User roles
- Internal User Authorization
- Authorization
- Meadowlark's current style is extremely limited, does not allow (for example) an Assessment provider to check and see if a Student (created by SIS) exists.
- But still need to have some limits, i.e. by educationOrganizationId.
- Meadowlark style not expected to be useful for states. And
even some LEA's use claimsets with some customization.
Important to maintain restriction by domain, for example not letting a SIS post to an assessment.
External User Authorization - not sure that I'm (StephenF) understanding the implications.
- I think this is about the client application further restricting the data in ways that the Ed-Fi API can't/won't do. Cleanup the language.
- Grade Level is another parameter that could be useful for restricting access. Example: an assessment provider only able to access 8th grade students.
- Meadowlark's current style is extremely limited, does not allow (for example) an Assessment provider to check and see if a Student (created by SIS) exists.
- Non-repudiation
Need to carefully study if/how this can be achieved in ODS/API 7.0 and in Meadowlark, and make sure there is good documentation around this type of logging.
Is there a way to hack it in prior ODS/API?
New Questions
- Case sensitivity: PostgreSQL does not support by default, and you lose something when you enable it.
- Will bring conversation to the next meeting.
- Statement that SSL is required
- What about internal only systems?
Next meeting: 2023-09-28
- Strictness
- JSON payload (already discussed)
- Time component of a dateTime field
- URL and query string key case sensitivity
- Query string value case sensitivity
- Optimistic concurrency via etags
- ODS/API features - which should be mentioned in API standards?
- Profiles
- Extensions
- Change Queries
- Link
- XSD files
- Composites
- Identity pass-through
- New feature requests
- Delete by natural key
- Proposal for ORDER BY
, multiple selections available,
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