GAT Meeting - 2022-06-23

GAT Meeting - 2022-06-23


  1. Welcome
  2. Deep Dive Discussion: Communications
  3. Community Highlight: Early Childhood SIG
  4. For the good of the order
    • Housekeeping
    • Follow-up and Next Steps

Refer to the PPT (which can be found here) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Maureen.





Meeting Minutes

#2 Deep Dive Discussion: Communications Tips, Tools and Resources

Presented by: Caroline Kazmierski, Ed-Fi Alliance

CoSN Survey reflects key audience to convince to do Ed-Fi; single sign on is not enough. Ed-Fi brings more value – how to best communicate that.

What implementers are doing re communication slide:

Strongest approach re communications has both technical and non-technical leads communicating re Ed-Fi implementation and use. Need to pull communication out of technical talk and target information to non-technical leaders explaining Ed-Fi is a journey and not a quick fix or app.

There needs to be someone who can support the implementers through that Ed-Fi journey – looking at a community hub to do this and provide where an agency is in their implementation and give strategies to engage in the community (including the governance process). Provide a calendar view of everything going on. Consider an opportunity for regional events/meetups. Requested GAT feedback on how to do this well.

Currently Ed-Fi has on average 15,000 net views a month and 100 signups; using LinkedIn and Google search ads.

General Messaging Strategies:

    • Interoperability is a confusing word and does not always resonate with leadership audiences
    • Start with the problems you want to solve and the benefits of solving them.
    • Use pictures, visualization, and real-world success stories.

Communication resources:

Currently Ed-Fi has on average 15,000 net views a month and 100 signups; using LinkedIn and Google search ads.

GAT: Strength of Ed-Fi as a sustainability solution for a data systems; how it helps maintain system over time; engage as a solution partner and share sustainability burden; allow for incremental change rather than massive do-overs. This is especially important with the “churn” of staff and the effects of the great resignation. Stability is an important point, i.e., future-proofing (setting ourselves up for long-term success) Consider highlighting benefits on Facebook page. Dan and Mark will co-author a blog message on the sustainability benefit. Others are encouraged to volunteer to do a blog on another issue.

Beginning work on customized, targeted newsletters such as for vendors, LEA, SEA – 6 newsletters a month to deliver the right information to the right audience.

Summit registration site is active including a full agenda – focus is on celebrating our ten-year anniversary and would like retrospectives from long time community members – Dean volunteered.

Registration information for GAT members: November 6 – 9, 2022 in Austin, Texas. Use registration code of LEADERSUMMIT22 to get 50% discount on registration.

Ed-Fi Alliance Communications staff are available to review and support your ideas and communication efforts re Ed-Fi.

#3 Community Highlight

Presented by: Sayee Srinivasan, Ed-Fi Alliance, Early Childhood SIG (Special Interest Group)

Focus on what the current processes are in states to collect data. One common practice is the collection of public preschool information and is currently collected by all states, but there are different funding streams and different settings for different programs. Sayee will put findings in document and share with GAT members for comment.

Draft Entity Model developed with green blocks reflecting new early childhood modules, while orange blocks are those that were already in the data model:

Next will be meeting with individual states to get feedback on the model; have looked at CEDS and will share more information in EC SIG meeting – looking for more vendors to be engaged in this work. GAT comments: will want help in mapping all data sources to this model; want to understand what we might have missed and how it all fits together.

Also, how will this impact the API support – new entities will have API endpoints and expect working draft version of model and help for states needing it. Ed-Fi Alliance will help with creating meta ed files – may be transferred over from a state that has created them.

Connecting new people so they know about this EC work – who are in EC space. Maureen to focus on getting this working and engage others.

How do federal requirements fit into the model? Sayee to review EdFacts requirements, how to align with CEDS and talk with Dean about other initiatives.

GAT member request: getting inundated with requirements from every state including Ed-Fi, One Roster and such - would like to discuss our place in the data standards work – want to play well with others.

Next Steps

  • The upcoming Summit, to be held Nov. 6-9 in Austin, will be the tenth anniversary of the first Ed-Fi Summit – registration is now open. Use GAT code (LEADERSUMMIT22) to receive 50% discount on the registration fee.
  • Request to GAT to provide feedback on how to develop Community Hub of support for Ed-Fi implementers.
  • Dan and Mark will co-author a blog message on the sustainability benefit of Ed-Fi. Others are encouraged to volunteer to do a blog on another issue.
  • Dean will write up a retrospective on ten years of Ed-Fi including Summits.
  • Send Deep Dive topics to Maureen. Upcoming ideas include “all things vendor” in September with lighter agendas in August and July.
  • Maureen to focus on getting new states engaged with Early Childhood SIG.
  • Use Case Matrix is going through a round of edits and will be shared with GAT in the fall.
  • Maureen will send email with options for GAT meeting at November Summit.
  • Sayee to review EdFacts requirements, how to align with CEDS and talk with Dean about other initiatives.
  • The new SIG, Project Meadowlark, will be a future GAT agenda item.

Next meeting:  

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