GAT Meeting - 2021-07-22


  1. Ed-Fi Vendor User Journey
  2. Tier 1 Governance Updates
    • Highlights
    • Quarterly stats
  3. Follow-up: Communicating End of Support for Technical Suite 2
  4. Show and Tell – Ed-Fi Starter Kits
    • SEA Modernization
    • Harness Multiple Measures of Assessment

Refer to the PPT (which can be found here) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Chris.




Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #1: Ed-Fi Vendor User Journey

Cesare Tise presented an improved set of vendor web pages, to be accessible from the Ed-Fi home page.  This new site is under development and is to go live next week.  It allows vendors to see which SEAs, Collaboratives and LEAs are using Ed-Fi, provides access to a solutions guide, and has visuals for how vendors fit into the Ed-Fi ecosystem and how they can plug into the Ed-Fi community.  It also discusses certification and badging.  The intention is to make it clearer and simpler for vendors to get started with Ed-Fi.

Questions/comments included:

  • Consider adding the number of agencies using Ed-Fi.
  • For organizations that feed off the APIs and not the ODS, consider how this might affect how the vendor site is used.
  • Certification versus badging – certification is broader and certified vendors should be eligible for multiple badges – can the badges be identified also with certification?

Action item:

  • Cesare – will discuss with David to see if they can show badges for vendors that are certified.

Agenda Item #2: Communicating End of Support for Technical Suite 2

End of support for tech suite 2 takes effect in July 2022. The Alliance conducted an analysis to determine the potential impact to Indiana DOE and LEA collaborative community.  Tech docs now has information on what end of support means.  

Questions/comments included:

  • Are there any v2 updates in the pipeline? No

Agenda Item #3: Tier 1 Governance Updates

  • Quarterly stats - Chris gave an update on the Q2 Health Metrics – see slide 6 for the metrics by work group.
  • Work group activity highlights included:
    • Tracing students to courses and to accountable teacher
    • Work on graduation plan modeling
    • Planned work on non-enrolled students needing services
    • Investigation of API L1 error improvements
    • Investigation of multiple ODS’s within an agency
    • Need to determine options for including SPED data in Ed-Fi model
    • Activities to finalize end of support for the Ed-Fi classic dashboards.
      • Note: Wyoming and Minneapolis are still relying on the classic Ed-Fi dashboards that are moving to end of support.

Agenda Item #4: Happy trails to Dean - Retirement

The GAT recognized Dean’s pending retirement from the Nebraska DOE and thanked him for his past and potential ongoing support for Ed-Fi. 

Agenda Item #5: Show and Tell – Ed-Fi Starter Kits – hold for next time

  • SEA Modernization
  • Harness Multiple Measures of Assessment

Summary of Action Items:

  • Cesare – will discuss with David to see if they can show badges for vendors that are certified.

Next meeting:  August 26, 2021