GAT Meeting - 2021-09-23


  1. SEA Implementation Fidelity
  2. GAT Meetings and Membership
  3. Ed-Fi 2022 Planning Priorities
  4. Show & Tell – Success Stories from the Trenches

Refer to the PPT (which can be found here) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

When available, meeting minutes should be read, and any corrections sent to Chris.





Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #1: SEA Implementation Fidelity

Introducing and discussing the proposed approaches for tackling improved fidelity of SEA implementations that have been synthesized out of Ed-Fi staff and then SEA workgroup discussions.

  • The Challenge: Variations in SEA implementations – both extensions and business logic – result in increased cost for vendor integrations and diminished reusability for LEA use cases.
  • Proposed approach
    • SEA Workgroup: continue convening the SEA workgroup to address emerging use case needs and determining a common ask new requirements (i.e., Digital Equity)
    • Peer Review: With support and leadership of the SEA Work Group, states will publish data specs for peer review ahead of release to their vendors. 
    • Study Group: The Alliance will convene SEA and SIS vendor representatives in a neutral and supportive format to identifying and tackle implementation fidelity issues 

GAT feedback:

  • Establish peer review; could have RFC timeline Oct to Dec for comments from other SEAs before releasing specs to vendors.
  • Review lessons learning from Ed-Fi support approach for Texas, a state where every district has their own format making it difficult to create the right extensions (group effort with Sayee).
  • Be cognizant of time expectations/challenges – some may not have time to commit to supporting other states.
  • While documentation from various states is different, suggestion/request has been made to update swagger definitions for elements – makes swagger environment tools better for everybody; helps vendors understand what is being asked.
  • WI went to use case approach with JSON and trying to get it standardized in confluence; may be an opportunity for states to come to agreement on best practices for documentation format.
  • More and more on state side their business logic requirements are being maintained separately rather than the implementation documentation; need a consistent format across states. This will be discussed in the SEA work group and want the vendor input as well.
  • Should also look at data standard documentation that Eric publishes.

Agenda Item #2: GAT Meetings and Membership

GAT members will be meeting over breakfast on Thursday of the November Summit. A poll was conducted in Chat on whether GAT members expect to attend the Summit in person or virtually. Responses were according to current plans (pending agency approval) with 2 virtual and 5 in person.

General discussion of current composition of GAT. Representation considerations include (1) unbalanced in vendor representation (beyond SIS), (2) WG rotations may unbalance agency representations and (3) diversity is a key consideration.

Chris shared the membership rotation chart that shows which members will be rotating off the GAT according to the planned timeline with members on for two years and then rotating off (

The following chart reflects upcoming rotations:





Anticipated Replacement

Dean Folkers

Nebraska Department of Education



AWG Co-Chair (Currently Ted Dwyer, Pittsburgh Public Schools) (LEA)

Monica Hogan

Boston Public Schools



SPED Co-Chair (Currently open)

Mark Olofson

Texas Education Agency



TPDM Co-Chair (Currently Tiffany  Fernandez, Relay School of Graduate Education)

Happy Miller

Rio Rancho Public Schools, New Mexico



TBD – Another LEA representative

John Raub

Wisconsin DPI

At-Large (formerly  FWG)


TBD – Another SEA representative

Agenda Item #3: Ed-Fi 2022 Planning Priorities

  • Focus on 30 vendors with most market share (focusing in each of the domain areas)
  • Continue using starter kits as Ed-Fi on ramp and narrowly focus asks of vendor community
  • Training and certifications that are not agency and end-user specific
    • GAT input:
      • Human capital pipeline around technical side
      • Supporting that pipeline development is key to long term sustainability
      • Building out knowledge and capacity base is the way to go – but don’t oversell as there are other considerations for example how to integrate with state knowledge such as laws
  • Show and tell of training being launched at the Summit – a more formalized training academy and can build on that – Chris will do for next month
  • Where to take certifications beyond SIS and Assessment? Need further discussion.
  • What are the most time intensive overhead administrative tasks that districts have that could be potentially solved through interoperability?  In WI it is vaccinations – going from 30 hours to an hour.  
  • From SEAs what are your three or five top targets for the next few years? For example, entries related to Covid funding?  Which are your top priorities? Sayee  and Maureen will work to assemble from SEAs in SEA work group and WG reps can then share with GAT.

Agenda Item #4: Show & Tell – Success Stories from the Trenches

  • WI  –  2 weeks test from tier to business critical for Azure and import times are decreasing by 50%, seeing big positive changes
    • Meeting Addendum:
      • We executed our move from hosting our Ed-Fi technology stack on-premise (State of WI Data Center) to Azure Cloud July 15th, 2021. As inbound data volume increased in August, we started to see performance issues with API transaction duration and our ETL step that takes data from our single year API ODS databases to our multi-year ODS. We upgraded our SQL database service tier from 'General' to 'Business Critical' (
      • We are seeing API transactions running at an average of ~70-80 ms down from a maximum of ~800 ms and our single year API ODS to multi-year ODS imports are completing ~300 seconds versus ~600 seconds. Our team is finishing development in our data quality portal to leverage the built-in database replication for read-only tasks to avoid data contention with our ETL processing. 
  • IN – clean certifiable records; General assembly enacted new law that if district’s virtual attendance exceeds 50% will get less funding
  • SC  –  all but two districts go into full production this week – Ed Analytics

Summary of Action Items:

  • GAT members with any questions about the November Summit should contact Caroline.
  • At October GAT meeting, Chris will share more information on training being launched at Summit
  • Maureen and Sayee to work on assembling SEA top targets for the next few years and WG reps will share with GAT.

Next meeting: