Internationalization Work Group - Person Models


Person Domain Models

Ed-Fi Data Standard v3.2 Staff and Student Identification and Demographics Domains


Ed-Fi Staff Domain - click to enlarge

Ed-Fi Student Identification and Demographics Domain - click to enlarge

IMS OneRoster v1.1 User Data Model


IMS One Roster User Data Model - click to enlarge

Microsoft EDU CDM Person Data Model

Source:Ā Internationalization Work Group 2019-12-11

MS EDU CDM Person Data Model - click to enlarge

FHIRĀ v4.0.1Ā Person and Patient Resources


FHIR Person and Patient Resources - click to enlarge

ProposedĀ Ed-Fi International Data Model - Person Domain

The following is a UML diagram representation of possible internationalized versions of the Ed-Fi Person domain. These suggestions are based on the above comparisons with other data standards and notes from previous Internationalization Work Group meetings.

All common attributes between existing Ed-Fi person-role classes (i.e., Staff, Student, and Parent) are combined into a single concrete class Person. Attributes specific to each person-role are stored within that class. Relationships can be defined between persons using the PersonRelationshipAssociation entity.

Proposed Person Model - click to enlarge

One key idea in this model is the ability to allow systems that do not have a "Person" concept to still be able to fully utilize the model. For this reason, the StudentParentAssociation class is defined explicitly rather than as a part of the PersonRelationshipAssociation. Regardless of whether or not the system has the "Person" concept, the API would be tasked with storing data points to the proper end points.

Relationships to other entities can be limited to only the appropriate person-roles (e.g., StudentSectionAssociation, not PersonSectionAssociation).