TAG Meeting 2017-11-01

TAG Meeting 2017-11-01


  • John Raub, WI DPI
  • Dirk Bradley, Michigan Data Hub
  • Don Dailey
  • Sherod Keen
  • Tim Casey
  • Fuat Aki
  • Geoff McElhanon
  • Mark Reichert
  • Silvia Brunet-Jones
  • Matt Warden
  • Jon Berry
  • Jennifer Downey, Infinite Campus
  • Eric Jansson


See agenda for the meeting topics. 

There was some agreement on interest from the finance domain, and Eric offered to solicit data models and/or needs statements from a set of states who had signaled interest: MI, NM, WI, AZ. The idea is that these could serve as the core of a working group of some kind, perhaps one that could be more formally convened at the April Ed-Fi Technical Congress.

The versioning solution was covered, with no comments.

Most discussion was on the concepts around a de-normalized ODS / metrics generation support. This notion was generally seen as positive, but it was unclear exactly what the approach should be. The risk of re-developing a complex architecture like the Dashboards 2.0 ETL was raised, as well as the difficulty of meeting needs that are often highly individualized in agencies. Topic to be re-raised at the next meeting.
